Topic: Tag Alias: Peeing -> Urinating

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

How about it?

Also something to consider for alias:
peeing -> pissing
pissing -> urinating
or both perhaps?

-Your Friendly Neighborhood Chimera,

Updated by SnowWolf


"peeing" is our go-to term for that act... so we dont' want to change that, or risk derping up people's blacklists.

that said.. we already have:

pee, piss, pissing, and urination aliased to peeing.

Peeing implied urine
watersports implies peeing :)

That said, I've added:

urinating, urinate are now aliased to peeing :D

did I miss anything?

Updated by anonymous

SnowWolf said:

"peeing" is our go-to term for that act... so we dont' want to change that, or risk derping up people's blacklists.

that said.. we already have:

pee, piss, pissing, and urination aliased to peeing.

Peeing implied urine
watersports implies peeing :)

That said, I've added:

urinating, urinate are now aliased to peeing :D

did I miss anything?

The toilet.

Updated by anonymous

SnowWolf said:

If you piss excrements, you should seriously go to the hospital. That doesn't sound good.

Updated by anonymous

I'd honestly rather have it alias to urinating. It doesn't sound so... well, vulgar.

Updated by anonymous

123easy said:
I'd honestly rather have it alias to urinating. It doesn't sound so... well, vulgar.

I agree.

Updated by anonymous

123easy said:
I'd honestly rather have it alias to urinating. It doesn't sound so... well, vulgar.


It has a slightly more formal and technical connotation. I mean we use "breasts" instead of "tits" or "boobs," "penis" instead of "dick" or "cock."

Updated by anonymous

I agree.

The problem is, as I mentioned above, if we do that, blacklisting breaks.

If X is aliased to Y... you can search X to see Y, but you cannot blacklist X to avoid Y.

Everyone who's blacklisted "peeing" suddenly starts seeing peeing images because we switched the tag. But snow, you exclaim, surely they'd blacklist watersports instead!

You'd think so, but no. peeing is actually the "meta tag" for that. because there is also non sexual urination.

additionally.. people are idiots. You have no idea how many peopel go "blacklist sucks, it doesn't work!"

and I said "let me see" and they send me something that looks like:


and I have to go "okay, no, try this instead"


and then they say YAY! it works! OMG!

So it's "better" to leave peeing alone, because it's established.

Updated by anonymous

tell them to suck it up soldier and fix their blacklist? >_> I mean, if they aren't gonna take the time to check the aliases the ideas go to or how the blacklist works.... Their own damn fault as far as i'm concerned. Send out an APB via the news bar saying it'll be changed for consistancies' sake in the next week so those who actually do use their blacklist right can add it so it's properly blacklisted.

Updated by anonymous

You do realize that we have over 40,000 users, right?
and thatn ow, the anon blacklist means that any one of the.. I think.. 10,000 people browsing the website at any given time can also blacklist things they don't want to see.

tha'ts a lot of people say sya 'suck it up' to, when everything WORKS as it is.

Updated by anonymous

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