Banned cause
Updated by anonymous
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Banned cause
Updated by anonymous
Banned because incomplete cert
Updated by anonymous
Banned cause
Updated by anonymous
@Xch3l Banned cause it said expired before >.>
Updated by anonymous
Banned cause yay 3DS ram dumps :3 <3
Updated by anonymous
Banned for ninjaing me
@Fluttershy: I posted before reading
Updated by anonymous
Banned for editing ban reason
Updated by anonymous
Banned cause :J
Updated by anonymous
Banned cause nice shower was nice
Updated by anonymous
Banned cause somehow fluffy dragon :3
Updated by anonymous
furballs_dc said:
Banned cause somehow fluffy dragon :3
Banned cause I lol'd
Updated by anonymous
Banned cause :P
Updated by anonymous
furballs_dc said:
Banned cause somehow fluffy dragon :3
Banned cause uhh...
Updated by anonymous
thatoneclarinetist said:
Banned cause uhh...
Hey you talk zombie!
Updated by anonymous
Zombie... ban... yellow pony...
Updated by anonymous
Fluttershy said:
Hey you talk zombie!Banned.
Why am I a zombie? banned
Updated by anonymous
Zombie... ban... not... zombie dragon...
Updated by anonymous
Banned for not getting the joke
Updated by anonymous
Banned cause coffee time :3
Updated by anonymous
Fluttershy said:
Banned for not getting the joke
Banned cause i'm still a dragon rawr!
Updated by anonymous
furballs_dc said:
Banned cause coffee time :3
Banned cause but we're on night time :P
Updated by anonymous
Banned because coffee can be anytime
Updated by anonymous
I meant the her usual phrase
Banned cause I has stuff to upload, I is back soon
Updated by anonymous
Banned cause I can't have coffee... it would make me prone to a panic attack
Updated by anonymous
Banned cause yogurt cup popped when I opened it and creamed my face
Updated by anonymous
Banned because coffee can increase cardiac rate
Updated by anonymous
anon_X said:
Banned cause yogurt cup popped when I opened it and creamed my face
Banned cause that was no yogurt ^^
Updated by anonymous
Banned for rigging my yogurt and making it taste much better
Updated by anonymous
Banned cause oh my :3
Updated by anonymous
anon_X said:
Banned for rigging my yogurt and making it taste much better
Banned cause I learned from my BF and he learned from me murr...
Updated by anonymous
So, who teach you both? Oh, and banned.
Updated by anonymous
Banned cause new page
Updated by anonymous
Banned cause Unbelievable. You, *subject name here,* must be the pride of *subject hometown here.*
Updated by anonymous
Banned cause we already knew special sauce alone tasted good but when combined with our favorite foods it was SOOO much better :)
Updated by anonymous
Banned because Portal
Updated by anonymous
Banned cause Porta.
Updated by anonymous
Banned for fun
thatoneclarinetist said:
Banned cause we already knew special sauce alone tasted good but when combined with our favorite foods it was SOOO much better :)
Yumm. I never get it on with a guy who produced a good amount... Hardly enough to satiate lol. Maybe it's a conspiracy to get me to come back for more sooner...
Updated by anonymous
Banned because it's just marketing :P
Updated by anonymous
Xch3l said:
Banned because it's just marketing :P
Banned cause XD
Updated by anonymous
anon_X said:
Banned cause Unbelievable. You, *subject name here,* must be the pride of *subject hometown here.*
Banned cause my name is Josh born and raised in San Antonio Texas but being gay in texas is relitivly shameful it was only me and my BF alone with only eachother you could prolly say we were off in our own little world cause we were :)
Updated by anonymous
Banned cause better love story than twilight. And I actually liked twilight
Updated by anonymous
anon_X said:
Banned for funYumm. I never get it on with a guy who produced a good amount... Hardly enough to satiate lol. Maybe it's a conspiracy to get me to come back for more sooner...
Banned cause LOL I can fill a coffee mug about halfway up... how'd ya like that cream and sugar
Updated by anonymous
Banned cause god dammit why you gotta be in Washington and taken?
Updated by anonymous
Banned because, not to brag, but I can fill a bucket with water C:
Updated by anonymous
Banned cause found more
Updated by anonymous
Wha...? How could I post 10 seconds after you and be first? o_O
Banned because of that
Updated by anonymous
Banned cause wat
Updated by anonymous
@Xch3l Banned cause nothing weird honestly, everytime I post it says "2 minutes ago" and when I recharge it changes back and forth with the real time
Updated by anonymous
anon_X said:
Banned cause god dammit why you gotta be in Washington and taken?
Banned cause also gifted with a prince albert and 11¾inches of something other...
Updated by anonymous
Banned for making me consider breaking probation, flying out there, and putting your bf in my trunk.
Updated by anonymous
Banned for being creepy.
Updated by anonymous
SirAntagonist said:
Banned for being creepy.
+1 for this Banned
Updated by anonymous
SirAntagonist said:
Banned for being creepy.
Banned for banning me for being who I always am. X3
Updated by anonymous
anon_X said:
Banned for making me consider breaking probation, flying out there, and putting your bf in my trunk.
Banned cause please tell me what you did! I like bad boys... my BF does boxing as a hobby and was the best on our high schools wrestling team so please I NEED to know
Updated by anonymous
banned for banning a person for banning you
Updated by anonymous
Banned for banning another person
Updated by anonymous
Banned for not commenting on my new avatar
Updated by anonymous
SirAntagonist said:
Banned for being creepy.
Banned cause it takes A LOT to creep me out
Updated by anonymous
Banned cause ducks
Updated by anonymous
thatoneclarinetist said:
Banned cause it takes A LOT to creep me out
Banned because that's painfully and disgustingly obvious.
Double banned for banning out of turn.
Updated by anonymous
Banned cause :P
Updated by anonymous
Banned cause Hank Hill
Updated by anonymous
banned cause fresh propane
Updated by anonymous
Banned because propane nightmares
Updated by anonymous
Banned because why not both?
Updated by anonymous
Banned cause BWWAAAAAUGH!
Updated by anonymous
Banned cause ERROR
Updated by anonymous
Banned becaue propane-ception
Updated by anonymous
anon_X said:
Banned cause Hank Hill
furballs_dc said:
banned cause fresh propane
Xch3l said:
Banned because propane nightmares
SirAntagonist said:
Banned because why not both?
Banned cause I will practice my flouncein PIP PIP... PIP PIP!
Updated by anonymous
Banned cause I'm officially out of things to do. *runs outside without pants yelling jibberish*
Updated by anonymous
Banned for escaping from the sexual offenders ward again.
Updated by anonymous
anon_X said:
Banned cause I'm officially out of things to do. *runs outside without pants yelling jibberish*
Banned cause PM me and fun there shall be...
Updated by anonymous
Banned cause XD
Updated by anonymous
Banned cause no more data burning for me tonight. See y'all later.
Updated by anonymous
SirAntagonist said:
Banned for escaping from the sexual offenders ward again.
Banned cause post #374976
Updated by anonymous