Topic: Ban the User Above You Game

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anon_X said:
Banned cause my mom used up 6 days worth of data in 5 hours... That's 1.2GB. How the hell?

Banned cause googletube/other streaming movies...

post #448168

Updated by anonymous

Banned cause you gotta follow your dreams, cause if you don't, you'll become your parents! How fucking depressing would that be? Think about it

Updated by anonymous

Banned because, surprisingly, I haven't been here most of the day...

...and I'm off to sleep.

Updated by anonymous

Banned cause the object of my unhealthy obsession has returned: the best thing since TV dinners, ladies and gentlemen, Mr Thatoneclarinetist! *canned cheers and applause*

Updated by anonymous

Banned cause acquired a 1972 Volkswagen bus type 2 air cooled engine with camper top mini fridge table and a few cabinets it runs and top speed uphill 45mph yeah doesn't climb well... but top plateau speed is 55-58mph downhill top speed is 63mph

Updated by anonymous

Banned cause I was tickling clarinetist and he teehee'd

Updated by anonymous

Banned cause MLP blacklisted :P *laughs unctontrollably, trying to squirm away*

Updated by anonymous

anon_X said:
Banned cause MLP blacklisted :P *laughs unctontrollably, trying to squirm away*

banned cause rolls around while also squirming from your tickling to as I end up laying on top

Updated by anonymous

anon_X said:
Banned cause not now, boner...

banned cause *grabs crotch and uses nimble Clarinetist fingers to grip in a comfortable way* is that a pulse I feel? ;)

Updated by anonymous

Banned cause it might be, but I'm too busy helping with dinner for you to play with it. *gets up and saunters off, smirking peevishly*

Updated by anonymous

anon_X said:
Banned cause it might be, but I'm too busy helping with dinner for you to play with it. *gets up and saunters off, smirking peevishly*

Banned cause i'll help you! *walks into kitchen* so? what are we making? c:

Updated by anonymous

Banned cause i'll get the tortilla's you get the seasoning off that high shelf your taller i'm very short and careful with those low riding shorts when getting on your tiptoes ;)

Updated by anonymous

Banned cause my dad's homophobia can make family dinners slightly awkward.

Updated by anonymous

anon_X said:
Banned cause my dad's homophobia can make family dinners slightly awkward.

Banned cause walks out to your dad sitting at the table yeah dragonfagboi? he asks

Updated by anonymous

Banned cause he's not THAT bad lol. Then again, he might be towards a guy he perceives to have "made" his son gay...

Updated by anonymous

anon_X said:
Banned cause he's not THAT bad lol. Then again, he might be towards a guy he perceives to have "made" his son gay...

Banned cause either way I love a good lectureing... ok daddy if there is one thing I hate is people like


Updated by anonymous

Banned cause in other news, my local zoo has 4 lion cubs now on display! D'awww.

Updated by anonymous

Banned cause *continues lecturing your dad on gayness not being a choice as my glowing yellow eyes turn a dark glowing red color*

Updated by anonymous

Banned because I'm coloring this (not perfect but the best I can) and noticed it while I was doing the wings

Updated by anonymous

Xch3l said:
Banned because I'm coloring this (not perfect but the best I can) and noticed it while I was doing the wings

Banned cause I sense a new avatar for you

Updated by anonymous

Banned because it is in my faves already since I-forgot-when (that's a lot of time) and it doesn't look pretty good in a thumbnail post #378537

and yes, that's the plan, as soon as I get the artist's permission to upload the colored version... haven't asked yet, though... I'm just killin' time :)

Updated by anonymous

Xch3l said:
-resuming, don't ban me!-

Banned cause yep I was talking about the colored vers. :P and if you don't mind me asking, what program are you using to color it?

Updated by anonymous