Fluttershy said:
Banned cause well imagine an adult with that look, it would be way creepy.
A 30 something sure. College student or mid 20s it'd still be hot. Banned
Updated by anonymous
Posted under Off Topic
This topic has been locked.
Fluttershy said:
Banned cause well imagine an adult with that look, it would be way creepy.
A 30 something sure. College student or mid 20s it'd still be hot. Banned
Updated by anonymous
Banned cause until 21 maybe, after that I just think it does not fit
Updated by anonymous
Fluttershy said:
Banned cause well imagine an adult with that look, it would be way creepy.
Wears hoodie, thirteen inches of hair, piearceings, a tattoo i'm creepy I AM YOUR AN EDUCATOR biatch! banned
joke my hair is to light and i'm to much of a romantic sucker to be emo
edit: had to refresh to see you think i'm hot cause i'm 23
re-edit: I meant to anon fluttershy
Updated by anonymous
thatoneclarinetist said:
...i'm to much of a romantic sucker to be emo
Banned cuz XD
Jatix said:
You mean like this ?
Hahahahahahahahahahaha xD
Updated by anonymous
Updated by anonymous
Banned cause I have to go to sleep although the classes i'm teaching tomorrow don't begin untill 3rd period at 9:30am I have to go in at 1st period at 7:25am to get accuainted with all the staff since i'm new Zzz...
Updated by anonymous
thatoneclarinetist said:
Banned cause I have to go to sleep although the classes i'm teaching tomorrow don't begin untill 3rd period at 9:30am I have to go in at 1st period at 7:25am to get accuainted with all the staff since i'm new Zzz...
Banned cause have good catnap =^.^=
Updated by anonymous
Banned cause playing Plague Inc for a round then bed. Gnight. (First paid app on this phone! Yippee!!)
Updated by anonymous
anon_X said:
Banned cause playing Plague Inc for a round then bed. Gnight. (First paid app on this phone! Yippee!!)
Banned cause have good catnap =^.^=
post #119028
Updated by anonymous
Banned cause faved the one before the mario and peach post, anyway, really tired so good night z.z
Updated by anonymous
Fluttershy said:
Banned cause faved the one before the mario and peach post, anyway, really tired so good night z.z
Goodnight have a good catnap =^.^=
Updated by anonymous
Banned from life - my first disease went from inception to mankind's ender in just 433 days. Origin - SE Asia.
Updated by anonymous
Updated by anonymous
Fluttershy said:
Ah I seeBanned
How was I...how was I pulled into this thread? Why...what...who would want to notice me?
Updated by anonymous
banned cause post #117625
Updated by anonymous
banned cause post #117433
Updated by anonymous
banned cause post #117303
Updated by anonymous
XD Banned
Updated by anonymous
Updated by anonymous
banned cause k
Updated by anonymous
anon_X said:
I would ban you Soo long and sooooo hard... Mmph!
dont be creepy
Updated by anonymous
ippiki_ookami said:
dont be creepy
ohai ippiki! wave to the admin everbody! banned
Updated by anonymous
Banned cause an admin thought I was being creepy. XD I'm not even trying.
Updated by anonymous
Banned cause i'm off to my FIRST TEACHING JOB
[my body is ready]
Updated by anonymous
Banned and have fun! Good luck! Don't get arrested for nailing a junior in the supply room.
Updated by anonymous
Banned becaue I have done nothing productive today
I haven't slept either...
Updated by anonymous
Banned cause driver 2. :3 fond memories of glitches and magical buildings. I still have a disk somewhere, my ps3 can't play it long without it going crazy though.
Updated by anonymous
Banned because that's everything I've done today. Play Driver 2 until I got that glitch (I didn't remeber it was that hard)
yes, that is actual gameplay of 6 hours ago
which I might post later
Updated by anonymous
Banned cause good morning
Updated by anonymous
Banned because I'm off to sleep... Good mornin' to you too!
Updated by anonymous
Banned cause I've done that glitch before, as well as the one where the cops keep chasing you after you get out of your car. Funny watching them noclip through tanner. Good morning!
Updated by anonymous
Banned cause I don't know what to do.
Updated by anonymous
Updated by anonymous
furballs_dc said:
banned cause coffee time :3chocolate too :3
Banned cause I'd eat that... bad pun I know, j/k don't kill me plz
Updated by anonymous
Updated by anonymous
Banned cause home from teaching job all my classes were gigantic my first class the freshman band or 3rd period had 69 kids and the last class I had and also the last class of the day 6th period or the senior band had 81 kids and my fourth period the sopohmore band the one I had to keep track of during the fire drill had 77 kids
Updated by anonymous
Banned cause =o.O=
Updated by anonymous
Banned cause I also walked into the office to meet all the staff before the school day started I walked in and the first thing someone says was "...the... district... hired him????" and some African American Cajun lady said "so uhh... you the new substitute band teacher?" it was the French teacher LOL and one of the science teachers said "but he looks like he's... like 16!" and I said "no I'm twenty three..." but the students thought I was good so that's all that mattered I guess
Updated by anonymous
Banned cause the students love you cuz they want your body. As does the teacher who called you 16.
Updated by anonymous
Banned because... did you say fire drill?
Updated by anonymous
thatoneclarinetist said:
Banned cause I also walked into the office to meet all the staff before the school day started I walked in and the first thing someone says was "...the... district... hired him????" and some African American Cajun lady said "so uhh... you the new substitute band teacher?" it was the French teacher LOL and one of the science teachers said "but he looks like he's... like 16!" and I said "no I'm twenty three..." but the students thought I was good so that's all that mattered I guess
Banned cause nice :3
Updated by anonymous
Banned cause clarinetist gets a trophy
Updated by anonymous
anon_X said:
Banned cause the students love you cuz they want your body. As does the teacher who called you 16.
Banned cause I heard some junior girls say I was a hottie and I heard and cut in not interested come back when your 23 and I have a boyfriend which made the students still in the room jump back from surprised by gayness
Xch3l said:
Banned because... did you say fire drill?
I wish it was like that instead it was a long buzz that did not die off or ever get softer just the sound of someone going EEEEEEE with there throat double banned
anon_X said:
Banned cause clarinetist gets a trophy
triple bans for LOL'zy joke
Updated by anonymous
Banned cause :P
Updated by anonymous
Banned cause the classes had such wonderful instrumentation the seniors had a Contrabassoon player...
Updated by anonymous
banned cause ok
Updated by anonymous
Banned cause I'm prolly boring you guys now LOL
Updated by anonymous
Banned cause need coffee...and more money
Updated by anonymous
Killersweet said:
Banned cause need coffee...and more money
Banned for being poor
Updated by anonymous
thatoneclarinetist said:
Banned for being poor
banned cause low blow ;^;
Updated by anonymous
Banned because I have no meney either (at least online)
Updated by anonymous
Banned cause I have 400 000... in a game too.
Updated by anonymous
Banned cause :3
Updated by anonymous
Banned cause just one more month and I'll gets me a bunch a money :3
Updated by anonymous
Banned cause :#
Updated by anonymous
Banned cause this thread is quiet today
Updated by anonymous
Banned cause for now
Updated by anonymous
Almost fell asleep banned for that
Updated by anonymous
Banned because today is a bit boring
Updated by anonymous
Xch3l said:
Banned because today is a bit boring
Banned cause same here
Updated by anonymous
Banned cause everybody's bored today
Updated by anonymous
Xch3l said:
Banned because today is a bit boring
not for me i'm now a substitue teacher and prolly the only educator of any kind on the site so banned
Updated by anonymous
I'll give you a prize, have this ban.
Updated by anonymous