Fluttershy said:
I'll give you a prize, have this ban.Banned.
Thank you banned
Updated by anonymous
Posted under Off Topic
This topic has been locked.
Fluttershy said:
I'll give you a prize, have this ban.Banned.
Thank you banned
Updated by anonymous
You're welcome.
Banned cause manners.
Updated by anonymous
Banned cause you deserve a cookie...but all I got you was this ban. Banned
Updated by anonymous
Banned cause is it edible?
Updated by anonymous
Oh well any reward is reward enough you two! banned for being nice
Updated by anonymous
Banned cause yes and they're delicious
Updated by anonymous
Banned cause :O
Updated by anonymous
Banned cause I don't gear grind in my 72 camper top VW bus LOL I dunno where that thought came from
Updated by anonymous
banned cause :P
Updated by anonymous
Banned cause all these off topic thoughts are in my head bow :o
Updated by anonymous
Banned cause sometimes I wish I was an idiot savant...now that's an off topic thought :3
Updated by anonymous
Banned cause :P
Updated by anonymous
Killersweet said:
Banned cause sometimes I wish I was an idiot savant...now that's an off topic thought :3
Banned cause heres something super werid
Updated by anonymous
Banned because post #130864
Updated by anonymous
banned cuz the interwebz is srs bsns yo
Updated by anonymous
Banned cause I need to take my BF to the airport on friday sads ;_;
Updated by anonymous
banned cause post #460376
Updated by anonymous
Banned cause slow loading for me
Updated by anonymous
thatoneclarinetist said:
Banned cause slow loading for me
This. me too
Updated by anonymous
Fuck! I just got a 400 erorr banned
Updated by anonymous
Banned cause nope no errors so far.
Updated by anonymous
Banned cause the slow loading must be contagious
Updated by anonymous
Banned cause at least there not *gulps* at least there not 500's
Updated by anonymous
Banned cause the image bug does not let me see post #6268
and I'm so damn fine with that :3
Updated by anonymous
Banned because this fits the ''I have done nothing productive today''
Also, it's finally uploaded! (Skip to 2:35 for the stuff) Now to do the annotations in CC form!
Updated by anonymous
Banned cause never played that game
Updated by anonymous
Fuck!!! now getting 500's!!! banned
Updated by anonymous
Banned because I just getting slowness
Updated by anonymous
Banned cause mine's is running just fine for a while
Updated by anonymous
Banned cause 500's and 522's god damnit internet in northern area's must really shitty...
Updated by anonymous
Updated by anonymous
Banned cause put pizza in oven
Updated by anonymous
Xch3l said:
Banned because then she got an idea! An awful idea! The Queen got a wonderful, AWFUL idea!
Lol'd at the ponified grinch song in the description
Edit: Now I get how Jatix feels, forgot to ban -.-
Updated by anonymous
Banned cause :O
Updated by anonymous
Banned cause YAY!!! the site works for me again only occasonal slowness
Updated by anonymous
Banned cause good for youuuu
Updated by anonymous
Banned cause :#
Updated by anonymous
Banned because ''if there is anything that can get me to draw again, it’s foreign toilet paper mascots''
Rule 34, strikes again
Edit: It continues!!
Yup, R34 hath thtriked
Updated by anonymous
Banned cause I love spring I hate going outside my house at night or at all really but espasilly at night since my niegbor hood has only one side of houses my side and heavy woods across the street and the area's seperateing my neigbors houses is heavilly wooded to... and its like an entire football feild in between each house
Updated by anonymous
Updated by anonymous
Updated by anonymous
Banned because it reminds me of another song from another game
Updated by anonymous
Updated by anonymous
banned cause pizza time
Updated by anonymous
Xch3l said:
Banned because it reminds me of another song from another game
Which song? and what game? banned
Updated by anonymous
Banned because if I knew it I would posted it in the moment *still tries to remember*
Updated by anonymous
Banned cause do a doughnut roll
Updated by anonymous
Banned cause 600 pages of bans! :O
Updated by anonymous
Banned cause achievement unlocked
Updated by anonymous
Banned cause so tired but only 5:48pm
Updated by anonymous
banned cause post #459815
Updated by anonymous
furballs_dc said:
banned cause post #459815
Is that... Meguire Luka? banned
Updated by anonymous
Banned cause YAY! I didn't miss the 600th page :3
Updated by anonymous
Banned cause :3
Updated by anonymous
thatoneclarinetist said:
Is that... Meguire Luka? banned
And who is that.
Updated by anonymous
Updated by anonymous
Updated by anonymous
Fluttershy said:
And who is that.Banned
This is who she is banned
Updated by anonymous
thatoneclarinetist said:
This is who she is banned
Banned cause
"Secure Connection Failed"
Error code: ssl_error_rx_record_too_long
Updated by anonymous
furballs_dc said:
Banned cause"Secure Connection Failed"
Updated by anonymous
Banned cause tucson weather. Drove home through, in succession, calm partly cloudy -> overcast -> heavy rain -> billowing dust -> perfectly sunny
Updated by anonymous
Banned cause Error code: ssl_error_rx_record_too_long
Updated by anonymous
furballs_dc said:
Banned cause"Secure Connection Failed"
banned cause yep
Updated by anonymous
Banned because our resident grumpy cat, Patchi, knows more about them Vocaloids
please don't tell her I told her "grumpy cat"
Updated by anonymous
Banned killersweet cause your avatar makes me smile
Updated by anonymous
anon_X said:
Banned cause tucson weather. Drove home through, in succession, calm partly cloudy -> overcast -> heavy rain -> billowing dust -> perfectly sunny
Nice! its gonna rain straight through to next week here in Seattle banned
Updated by anonymous
Banned cause my favorite tucson shop was closed (power failure) so I couldn't get a yummy frozen fruit drink from them. One of a kind is none of a kind tonight. ;.; (also banned cause I wanted to start page 600)
Updated by anonymous
anon_X said:
Banned cause my favorite tucson shop was closed (power failure) so I couldn't get a yummy frozen fruit drink from them. One of a kind is none of a kind tonight. ;.; (also banned cause I wanted to start page 600)
*huggles better* and banned
Updated by anonymous
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Updated by anonymous
Fluttershy said:
Banned killersweet cause your avatar makes me smile
banned cause it was the first pic that came to mind when i made my profile
Updated by anonymous
furballs_dc said:
Banned cause
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lord jesus... banned
Updated by anonymous
thatoneclarinetist said:
lord jesus... banned
Banned cause something Wii-U dev related(very earlyish)
Updated by anonymous
Banned for tech talk
Updated by anonymous
furballs_dc said:
Banned cause
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banned cause brain hurt...jealous nerd rage building...need more smarts!
Updated by anonymous
Banned cause counting cars with a squeaking cat.
Updated by anonymous