Topic: Ban the User Above You Game

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Banned cause readying lemon-meringue pieapult...

Updated by anonymous

Banned because someone I don't recognize. *hides under a giant pie*

Updated by anonymous

Killersweet said:
Banned cause it was delicious but ineffective...charging sharpie canon

Banned cause indeed...

Updated by anonymous

thatoneclarinetist said:
Banned cause need for sleep increasing... must fight it

banned cause all sharpies to the ready!

Updated by anonymous

Banned cause I would kill for a pie right now. Any kind. Even a mcdonalds apple pie.

Updated by anonymous

anon_X said:
Banned cause I would kill for a pie right now. Any kind. Even a mcdonalds apple pie.

*calls Pinkie Pie* you did say any :P


Updated by anonymous

Banned cause I started loading this page at 5:12pm finally loaded completely at 5:29pm the fuck? it is not 1999

Updated by anonymous

Banned cause haven't had any slowness issues today. (although some pics refuse to load, better than nothing I guess)

Updated by anonymous

Banned because I will never post my face on tumblr except that one time I did

Updated by anonymous

Killersweet said:
Banned cause banerang go!!..........oh GOD DAMN IT!!

I lol'd XD


Updated by anonymous

Banned cause nobody freak out but... I have a banerang sticking out of my forehead

Updated by anonymous

Banned cause on way home I saw a billboard for a housing community: "move in at xxxxx community! We have cookies!"

Updated by anonymous

anon_X said:
Banned cause on way home I saw a billboard for a housing community: "move in at xxxxx community! We have cookies!"

Banned cause do you have any listings from it?

Updated by anonymous

Banned cause seems a little suspicious to me. Them cookies better be good.

Updated by anonymous

Banned cause I don't even remember the name of it now rofl. Just that they have cookies.

Updated by anonymous

thatoneclarinetist said:
Banned cause boredom strikes me in the face...

banned cause damn...the sharpie canon is off a bit

Updated by anonymous

Killersweet said:
banned cause damn...the sharpie canon is off a bit

Banned cause but I'm not sleeping or trying to sleep...

Updated by anonymous

thatoneclarinetist said:
Banned cause but I'm not sleeping or trying to sleep...

Banned cause you'll have to, eventually.

Updated by anonymous

Fluttershy said:
Banned cause you'll have to, eventually.

Banned cause i'll hire a body guard to protect me against dragon hating pwnys

Updated by anonymous

Banned cause I'm not even a part of whatever it is you're roleplaying, was just sayin'.

Updated by anonymous

Fluttershy said:
Banned cause I'm not even a part of whatever it is you're roleplaying.

t'was sarcasm my good pwny... oh nevermind banned

Updated by anonymous

thatoneclarinetist said:
Banned cause but I'm not sleeping or trying to sleep...

banned cause I'm just ranging it for when the inevitable happens >:3

Updated by anonymous

Killersweet said:
banned cause I'm just ranging it for when the inevitable happens >:3

Banned for stalking a dragon you can't do that unless you are the dragonborn...

Updated by anonymous

Killersweet said:
Banned cause I was born once and it did drag on...

lol, Banned.

Updated by anonymous

Killersweet said:
Banned cause I know it was horrible

it was super horrible as are all puns so banned

Updated by anonymous