Topic: Tag Alias: airtight -> all_three_filled

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

No. Airtight is a mechanical detail, not a sex thing.

Plus even if you got something in your mouth, anus, and pussy, you can still breath. Nostrils, son.

Updated by anonymous

Furrin_Gok said:
No. Airtight is a mechanical detail, not a sex thing.

Plus even if you got something in your mouth, anus, and pussy, you can still breath. Nostrils, son.

Only if no deepthroating's involved. At least as far as I understand typical human-based anatomy. It's ruminants I believe who can't actually breathe through their mouth?

Updated by anonymous

Circeus said:
Only if no deepthroating's involved. At least as far as I understand typical human-based anatomy. It's ruminants I believe who can't actually breathe through their mouth?

Also infants (for the most part) are obligate mouth breathers.

Updated by anonymous

parasprite said:
Also infants (for the most part) are obligate mouth breathers.

And people with flu or sinusitis

Updated by anonymous

Xch3l said:
And people with flu or sinusitis

I think there's also a birth defect where someone is born with part of their nasal airways/sinuses only partially formed/closed off and they need surgery just to gain the ability to breath through their nose. But don't quote me on it.

Updated by anonymous

furrypickle said:
I think there's also a birth defect where someone is born with part of their nasal airways/sinuses only partially formed/closed off and they need surgery just to gain the ability to breath through their nose. But don't quote me on it.

I believe you're talking about cleft lip/palate. Depending on the degree and nature of the cleft, feeding is usually one of the bigger concerns. Fortunately for these kids, they've gotten pretty good at surgery; even repaired cleft lip is now often barely noticeable once they get older.

Updated by anonymous