Topic: Things that make you scream internally

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So, this is the official forum thread about things that make you cringe/cry/cross your legs in terror.

So, I just watched a story about a guy whose penis was fractured. He and his wife were having sex, she was on top, she came down and broke his penis. There was blood. I crossed my legs so tightly, I could have crushed a bowling ball between my thighs.

Updated by NotMeNotYou

On e621: gore those are your insides keep em' there, stuff involving castration a mans sack is precious, or blood in general that is someones fluids they need those to not die... bronies except for four certain users,

IRL: it tends to be blood mine or others that is like when someone gets a bloody nose, spiders eight legs of NOPE! and NOPE!!!! thunder and lightning LOL how am I from Texas? the dark, I can't see where I am what is there?? where am I then I get scared...

Updated by anonymous

Threads like this make me cringe and scream internally.

I bet this is a game thread.

Updated by anonymous

Patchi said:
Threads like this make me cringe and scream internally.

I bet this is a game thread.

It's not. I'm just legitimately curious as to what creeps you people out.

Updated by anonymous

JoeX said:
It's not. I'm just legitimately curious as to what creeps you people out.

o okay.


1. Slugs
2. Snails
3. My brother

Updated by anonymous

Same things as Peekaboo mentioned.. scat , nonsexual (and nonconsent) violence cub, and MLP porn (which I place near cub one - not because ponies, but, hell, it's kids show! That may hurt someone younger when they will see it years after)

Updated by anonymous

Bees. Ever since I got stung by one when I was 8 at a water park, bees and wasps are really the main thing to terrify me. Well, that and anyone over 45 naked.

Updated by anonymous

Drawing blood IRL. Makes me turn pale, get light-headed, and become weak probably a lot faster than with other people. I haven't been diagnosed with anything relating to those symptoms.

In art, it's gore/disembowelment/entrails and the like. The more detailed and graphic, the worse it is for me. Believably portrayed malice and brutality beyond a certain threshold also do a number on me. I think I have a difficult time processing those feelings, so my mind just goes numb, as if being impaled by a figurative ice pick, when I grapple with those concepts (with visual "aids").

Updated by anonymous

In terror? Nothing, really. In anger? Nothing more than cheaters in competitive situations, especially if I happen to be participating and I catch them.

Updated by anonymous

anon_X said:
Bees. Ever since I got stung by one when I was 8 at a water park, bees and wasps are really the main thing to terrify me. Well, that and anyone over 45 naked.

I went into the small powder room in my house. There was a wasp on the ceiling. I pissed at the speed of sound and then got the hell out.

Updated by anonymous

After seeing a baby get run over by a train, I'm pretty positive there is very little in this world that could make me scream inside as much as I did that day.

Updated by anonymous

DasaDevil said:
After seeing a baby get run over by a train, I'm pretty positive there is very little in this world that could make me scream inside as much as I did that day.

Damn, you've really seen everything

Updated by anonymous

When someone drives slow in front of me...that just makes my blood boil

Updated by anonymous

Peekaboo said:
Some woman committed suicide by parking her car on the train tracks, I was in the first train car. I saw a tire, the hood of the car and her lower body fly past, my sister saw her upper body. That's kinda close, but not as bad as a baby getting mushed, sheesh!

That must have been traumatizing. I had the same thing happen in my old neighborhood, but I think it was an accident. I hadn't witnessed it, but some idiot went around the barrier and got creamed by the train. Hard to feel sorry for someone when they do shit like that, but the suicide is sad.

Updated by anonymous

Rainbow_Dash said:
When someone drives slow in front of me...that just makes my blood boil

Agreed. And yet, "people who drive slower than you are morons. Those who driver faster are maniacs."

Updated by anonymous

Just watched some dumbfuck redneck get his ex-wife's name sanded off his arm at a fucking autoshop. Jesus fucking Christ, I hate this country sometimes.

Updated by anonymous

JoeX said:
Just watched some dumbfuck redneck get his ex-wife's name sanded off his arm at a fucking autoshop. Jesus fucking Christ, I hate this country sometimes.


Updated by anonymous

JoeX said:
Just watched some dumbfuck redneck get his ex-wife's name sanded off his arm at a fucking autoshop. Jesus fucking Christ, I hate this country sometimes.

I wish I could've been the one sanding him. Causing pain to stupid people is enjoyable.

Updated by anonymous

Saffron said:
I wish I could've been the one sanding him. Causing pain to stupid people is enjoyable.

Still cheaper, qucker, and suprisingly less painful (depending on how much this guy actually fucked up his arm, and how big the tattoo was on this guy) than actual tattoo removal.
I mean, it'll hurt 100x more during the sanding than the tattoo removal, but it would also be a one and done kinda deal. Tattoo removal is usually around 5-10 procedures (sometimes more depending on color and size) consisting of burning the shit out of that tattoo with a laser. And it'll burn for a long time, and you have to come back each time to make it lighter and lighter. So its got a pretty long recovery time, even compared to scabbing and what not from the sanding. But the sanding also has a good chance of infection, which would suck.

Updated by anonymous

furballs_dc said:

Saffron said:
I wish I could've been the one sanding him. Causing pain to stupid people is enjoyable.

I wish I could say I was kidding, I really do. :(

Updated by anonymous

Anything that Whitekitten, dakuroihoshi and Smudge_Proof do.

And anything currently in my blacklist.

Updated by anonymous

Hurrybul traslations Horrible translations
Typps Typos
Bad ortography
When translations don't make sense
Bad tagging

Updated by anonymous

Xch3l said:
Hurrybul traslations Horrible translations
When translations don't make sense

This. So much this.

Updated by anonymous

Xch3l said:
Hurrybul traslations Horrible translations
Typps Typos
Bad ortography
When translations don't make sense
Bad tagging

OH. If I go by that definition of "scream internally," then I'm one of those "it's the quiet ones you have to watch out for" type, but I haven't flown off the handle in someone's face, yet.

Things that grind my gears include:
- "bad opinions"
- very poor writing
- working with... people who just don't get it, whatever it may be
- when my clear, detailed instructions, which I went great lengths to create, go completely ignored
- when terrible work earns praise and recognition

Some things from school resulting in seething anger:
- mostly incompetent administration. Issues were never resolved on the first try and festered for a month or longer without progress. I can't stress this enough. It took 9 months (?) to transfer the credit for one course.
- that one e-mail from the manager of finance. Might as well have said "LOL TL;DR (I won't do my job)." I fumed for two days.
- grand hypocrisy and dealing with that. In a nutshell, everyone sitting around me was guilty of academic misconduct in some fashion for our CCNA courses. This is pretty clear-cut stuff. Most of them blatantly cheated whenever possible. I tolerated that for a long time, but I was pushed over the edge when their whining started to ooze entitlement and arrogance. I still did the best in each of those courses.

Updated by anonymous

abadbird said:
OH. If I go by that definition of "scream internally," then I'm one of those "it's the quiet ones you have to watch out for" type, but I haven't flown off the handle in someone's face, yet.

Things that grind my gears include:
- "bad opinions"
- very poor writing
- working with... people who just don't get it, whatever it may be
- when my clear, detailed instructions, which I went great lengths to create, go completely ignored
- when terrible work earns praise and recognition

Some things from school resulting in seething anger:
- mostly incompetent administration. Issues were never resolved on the first try and festered for a month or longer without progress. I can't stress this enough. It took 9 months (?) to transfer the credit for one course.
- that one e-mail from the manager of finance. Might as well have said "LOL TL;DR (I won't do my job)." I fumed for two days.
- grand hypocrisy and dealing with that. In a nutshell, everyone sitting around me was guilty of academic misconduct in some fashion for our CCNA courses. This is pretty clear-cut stuff. Most of them blatantly cheated whenever possible. I tolerated that for a long time, but I was pushed over the edge when their whining started to ooze entitlement and arrogance. I still did the best in each of those courses.

All of this.

Updated by anonymous

Car in front of me merging onto the freeway at 35 mph.

Car that stay in the fast lane while being passed on the right.

Updated by anonymous

EDFDarkAngel1 said:
Car in front of me merging onto the freeway at 35 mph.

Car that stay in the fast lane while being passed on the right.

I'm a dick driver with people like that. People who merge onto the freeway need to MERGE. I'll keep people on the shoulder if they get to the freeway at low speed for no reason. (Exceptions for old people/cars, or big vehicles)

Slow guys in my fast lane get acquainted with my flashing lights quickly.

Updated by anonymous

anon_X said:
Slow guys in my fast lane get acquainted with my flashing lights quickly.

That's the worst part of slow drivers. Okay, you want to drive stupidly slow so THERE'S FIVE* OTHER LANES FOR YOU TO BE SLOW IN

*usually two others, but some nearer to London will have more

Updated by anonymous

Saffron said:
That's the worst part of slow drivers. Okay, you want to drive stupidly slow so THERE'S FIVE* OTHER LANES FOR YOU TO BE SLOW IN

*usually two others, but some nearer to London will have more

In Arizona, we have carpool lanes that you can merge in and out of at will (ex. California has carpool lanes that let you merge at certain points only). Also, during non-rush hour periods, the carpool lane becomes the fast lane.

It grates me when a car, going slower than anyone else, goes from the on-ramp into the carpool lane before the on-ramp ends, sets the cruise control to 65, and forces the people in the fast lane to slam on their brakes.

We have had people rear-ended pretty tragically for doing that.

Oh yeah, you know you are from Arizona and hate old drivers because of Sun City. I have this true story I tell people to exemplify why golf carts should never be allowed on any major road anywhere.

So, my father gave me a '83 Jaguar XJ6 when I was in high school. Had it for a few years after too, had to junk it not long after this incident because I was getting tired of spending thousands of dollars on a little piece of plastic. Obviously, I'm a bit of a speed demon, because, well, that's what you do when you're 18 and have a Jag.

I got lost in western Phoenix one day, I was still new to the area and hadn't quite got my bearings. Suddenly, I realized that all the traffic went away. There was this nice, wide road with no streetlights. Yeah, you know what I did.

Now, I am a very attentive driver, I am hardly ever distracted nor do I not observe everything in my path, to my side, or behind me. Kinda have to, given the speeds I drive at. So, I was doing about 80-85 in the outside lane (just in case I didn't see something coming out of a side street) when this fucking golf cart just pulls out of the street and, with no hesitation/sense of self-preservation whatsoever, just merges into my lane. Let me say that again: without checking oncoming traffic, they come across THREE lanes to merge into the outside lane at the face-tearing speed of 15.

Those British sure made their cars well, because I somehow managed to not paste the little old lady into the opposite sidewalk. I drove around her (she deviated neither direction or speed the whole time), and she flipped me off.

Updated by anonymous

EDFDarkAngel1 said:
she flipped me off.

This attitude is why I say Phoenix- and especially driving there - is for the insane. Also, jag man. I want to marry you now darkangel. :3 tucson has no carpool lane, and I've never seen an old lady driving a golf cart. Out here we have people human-shaped dicks driving quads on the streets at 80 mph, so the exact opposite.

Updated by anonymous

anon_X said:
This attitude is why I say Phoenix- and especially driving there - is for the insane. Also, jag man. I want to marry you now darkangel. :3 tucson has no carpool lane, and I've never seen an old lady driving a golf cart. Out here we have people human-shaped dicks driving quads on the streets at 80 mph, so the exact opposite.

LOL my 1972 Campertop VW bus can only get up to 58mph on flat land LOL people don't get as pissed as you would think on the freeway I've actually been flashed the peace sign like eight times and counting cause I guess my long hair makes me look hippy-ish and uphill it tends to slow down to around 45mph even in third gear again not the bad reaction you would think especially on the freeway people in Washington are a lot more chill seeming than Arizonia but downhill I've got it up to 63mph at fastest and if it does overheat or stall out which its only done once each people do tend to pull over to help guess it's the love and peace mobile that attracts the attention of people again people in Seattle are a lot nicer seeming than Arizonians

Updated by anonymous

DasaDevil said:
After seeing a baby get run over by a train, I'm pretty positive there is very little in this world that could make me scream inside as much as I did that day.

I wonder where you saw that from because I believe I have seen the exact same video on a snuff site I frequent..

Updated by anonymous

Patchi said:
I wonder where you saw that from because I believe I have seen the exact same video on a snuff site I frequent..

There's several gifs of it on 4chan.

I'm not linking them, because they cross every line this site has.

Updated by anonymous

anon_X said:
Bees. Ever since I got stung by one when I was 8 at a water park, bees and wasps are really the main thing to terrify me. Well, that and anyone over 45 naked.

This and this should be right up your alley then.

Hmm...nothing besides what has already been posted (dismemberment, castration, shit and piss, cub, etc.) However, images that do bug me are the artificially made trypophobia images. Like, lotus pods and sea lamprey mouths and surinam toads giving birth don't bug me or anything naturally occurring with a bunch of holes clustered together, but those fake ones made soley to bug people creep me right the fuck out.

Updated by anonymous

And the three days following the horror movies I watch.

Updated by anonymous

Patchi said:
I wonder where you saw that from because I believe I have seen the exact same video on a snuff site I frequent..

I've seen that video too, but its not what I'm talking about, as bad as that one was as well lol.

Updated by anonymous

Patchi said:
I wonder where you saw that from because I believe I have seen the exact same video on a snuff site I frequent..

SirAntagonist said:
There's several gifs of it on 4chan.

I'm not linking them, because they cross every line this site has.

Everything I stand for is holding me back from making jokes about it.

Like asking if they have a machine that just lets me make my flat, novelty babies or if I actually have to leave mine on the tracks.

Updated by anonymous

I saw a guy on his cellphone while driving. Let me explain why this pissed me off.

1. Not only is it a bad idea, but it makes you look arrogant.

2. Illinois, the state I live in just passed a law where it is illegal to use the phone while driving, unless you have a Bluetooth, or similar wireless device. This guy just didn't give a shit.

Updated by anonymous

I dont really have anything that makes me scream internally or cringe or anything, e621 has numbed me towards everything. I mean, after seeing post #30645 there isn't much left to see.

Anyways, my dad's coworker (he works for CSX) hit a guy recently. This guy was sitting in the middle of the tracks with his legs crossed. At the last second, the guy pulled a gun and shot himself, and then the train hit him at 50 mph. They had to clean the guts off the front of the train.

Funny thing is, two days later, they asked the driver of the train to go back to work.

Updated by anonymous

Any takedown requested by Darius.
If anybody ever wonders why the rest of the planet thinks furries are crazy, just read a couple of his takedowns.

Updated by anonymous

NotMeNotYou said:
Any takedown requested by Darius.

You should go down to the fire house and borrow the jaws of life.

And pry his head out of his ass.

Updated by anonymous

NotMeNotYou said:
Any takedown requested by Darius.
If anybody ever wonders why the rest of the planet thinks furries are crazy, just read a couple of his takedowns.

Oh god he makes me want to drink a gallon of straight melted choclate

i'm diabetic just so that makes more sense

Updated by anonymous

Tangent said:
You should go down to the fire house and borrow the jaws of life.

And pry his head out of his ass.

Seriously. What a pompous dick.

Updated by anonymous

When somebody places its bag on a seat in a crowded commute. Seats are for people, not for objects, dumbasses.

I usually ask them to remove it so I can sit, even when there are some other seats free, just to annoy them.

Updated by anonymous

Lizardite said:
When somebody places its bag on a seat in a crowded commute. Seats are for people, not for objects, dumbasses.

I usually ask them to remove it so I can sit, even when there are some other seats free, just to annoy them.

This. And when you give your seat to somebody and they sit their children.

C'mon ma'am! I'm givin' mah seat it to ya, not fo' yo kid. :I

Updated by anonymous

Lizardite said:
When somebody places its bag on a seat in a crowded commute. Seats are for people, not for objects, dumbasses.

I usually ask them to remove it so I can sit, even when there are some other seats free, just to annoy them.

Xch3l said:
This. And when you give your seat to somebody and they sit their children.

C'mon ma'am! I'm givin' mah seat it to ya, not fo' yo kid. :I

LOL my bus is private

Updated by anonymous

I would scream internally if my car was that slow and sounded like that.

Updated by anonymous

Lizardite said:
When somebody places its bag on a seat in a crowded commute. Seats are for people, not for objects, dumbasses.

I usually ask them to remove it so I can sit, even when there are some other seats free, just to annoy them.

I only do it because even when every other seat is taken, NOBODY sits directly next to each other on the buses out here unless they know each other, are old, or lonely. I can put my bag on my lap and the 60 year old lady still won't sit next to me, but the smelly drunk bum will.

That's another pet peeve actually, people who stink on buses. Go take a friggin shower!

Updated by anonymous

Tangent said:
I would scream internally if my car was that slow and sounded like that.

LOL good thing I love vintage

Updated by anonymous

thatoneclarinetist said:
LOL good thing I love vintage

Vintage is the only way to go. Sometimes style and aesthetic is the most important thing.

Updated by anonymous

Tangent said:
Vintage is the only way to go. Sometimes style and aesthetic is the most important thing.

Well it is also my dream car sure it has some problems but doesn't everything...

Updated by anonymous

thatoneclarinetist said:
Well it is also my dream car sure it has some problems but doesn't everything...

My dream car had so many problems. So many.

Updated by anonymous

Tangent said:
My dream car had so many problems. So many.

My dream car at least the one I own can get up to 57 two thirds to 58mph normall ground I learned to carry a bucket and a gallon container of water in the car for the engines inability's to cool itself automatically by machinery

Updated by anonymous

I've seen people drive with the little engine compartment open. I guess that's why.

Updated by anonymous

Tangent said:
I've seen people drive with the little engine compartment open. I guess that's why.

that's.... prolly not a good idea...

Updated by anonymous

Spess_Muhreen said:
pony roleplay makes me scream externally

I'm glad I live such a sheltered e-life.

Updated by anonymous

thatoneclarinetist said:
that's.... prolly not a good idea...

Don't see why not. It doesn't hamper visibility or make it so bugs can smack the engine since it's in the back. Hell, some guy out here drives an old civic without any hood at all.

Updated by anonymous

anon_X said:
Don't see why not. It doesn't hamper visibility or make it so bugs can smack the engine since it's in the back. Hell, some guy out here drives an old civic without any hood at all.

If you get rear ended the metal door would protect the engine but instead it will bash up the engine more than it normally would

Updated by anonymous

thatoneclarinetist said:
If you get rear ended the metal door would protect the engine but instead it will bash up the engine more than it normally would

If you get rear-ended that paper thin little motor-hutch is done for anyway.

And if that happens, you try and shoe in a boxer-4 out of a Subaru, or a Mazda birotor, or a good ol' GM 350 and turn it into a wheelie buuuuus!

Updated by anonymous

Tangent said:
If you get rear-ended that paper thin little motor-hutch is done for anyway.

And if that happens, you try and shoe in a boxer-4 out of a Subaru, or a Mazda birotor, or a good ol' GM 350 and turn it into a wheelie buuuuus!

I will never drive anything from GM... the cars i've had was a 2000 Sentra, a 2001 Honda Accord and the 1972 VW Bus

Updated by anonymous

Tangent said:
If you get rear-ended that paper thin little motor-hutch is done for anyway.

And if that happens, you try and shoe in a boxer-4 out of a Subaru, or a Mazda birotor, or a good ol' GM 350 and turn it into a wheelie buuuuus!

This lol. There is no chance of a microbus' hatch harming the motor in the event of a collision. Trust me, drive with the hatch open lol..

Updated by anonymous

I love all this GM hate. I've had too many old cars.

Updated by anonymous

Oh sweet God-Emperor it's a J-body. I have a friend with one of those (but a Sunfire), so now that I know that backstory I can totally understand. He hates it as much as I do, but it absolutley will not die.

You might have had a more comfortable childhood in my car. Boy how times have changed.

Updated by anonymous

Umm I learned to drive on and grew up in a 1992 Volvo so yeah I am not much for American made sardine cans

Updated by anonymous

thatoneclarinetist said:
Umm I learned to drive on and grew up inone of these so can you blame me for not liking American made cars I mean dat car had so much room :)

Banned cause volvo's are fantastic. But the US has land boats aplenty to combat it. (See: any Caddilac sedan up to '89. My T-bird is perfect despite it being a two-door.

Updated by anonymous

Banned 'cause what year T-bird?

And you said you'd had to stop yourself from doing that once before. XD

Updated by anonymous

anon_X said:
Banned cause volvo's are fantastic. But the US has land boats aplenty to combat it. (See: any Caddilac sedan up to '89. My T-bird is perfect despite it being a two-door.

heehee I don't like the interiors they are so cramped P.S sorry about the dead link

Updated by anonymous

Aw damnit. Anyway, it's a 95. I needed a reliable daily driver, and I would've loved a '69 but gl finding a good one for under $5K.. The interior of older caddies and Lincoln's had space for days... Why do you think cops loved the Crown Vic since inception? Room for everything.

Updated by anonymous

anon_X said:
Banned cause volvo's are fantastic. But the US has land boats aplenty to combat it. (See: any Caddilac sedan up to '89. My T-bird is perfect despite it being a two-door.

Tangent said:
Banned 'cause what year T-bird?

And you said you'd had to stop yourself from doing that once before. XD

post #117435

Updated by anonymous