created by fuzzamorous
  • Comments
  • Mario69 said:
    >Animation cost examples
    >Only post the example where there is doodle foxes being naughty

    I don't know about you, but to me, it's AAAALLL about the frame rates baby! Those sweet, sweet frames.

    framerate is meaningless in the hands of bad animtors. Don't get me wrong though, Fuzz is one of the best (if not THE best) in the community. It's just that I think that there are more important factors like designs, understanding of weight, timing and others.

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  • tabuley said:
    framerate is meaningless in the hands of bad animtors. Don't get me wrong though, Fuzz is one of the best (if not THE best) in the community. It's just that I think that there are more important factors like designs, understanding of weight, timing and others.

    That was more of an PCMR joke more than anything else :p
    It is pretty hard to detect sarcasms and jokes on text when you can't hear the way they are said or see the smirking face with rolling eyes.

    But you are right. Even if talking about CGI animating, 60 FPS render won't make it any better if your movements are stiffer than *insert lewd joke* Would guess it being even less of an factor with frame-by-frame as frame rates vary and fast motion are conveyed also by other means than by just drawing same thing thousand times more. Reason why "don't pause disney film" is almost a meme.

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  • Draquarzi said:
    How many foxes would it take to make a chain going around the world?

    Just those 3. I made it a trick question when I decided that they're doing it around the world. Alternatively, you could shove a globe up one of their asses.

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  • Draquarzi said:
    How many foxes would it take to make a chain going around the world?

    well if we are talking about the red fox, given that the average length of an adult is about 30 inches. you are looking at 52,590,912 give or take a couple thousand depending on if youre taking the equatorial circumference or not.

    if were talking about the fennec fox youre looking at roughly 121,363,643

    hope you like your literal answer.

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  • 2B said:
    well if we are talking about the red fox, given that the average length of an adult is about 30 inches. you are looking at 52,590,912 give or take a couple thousand depending on if youre taking the equatorial circumference or not.

    if were talking about the fennec fox youre looking at roughly 121,363,643

    hope you like your literal answer.

    I think he meant a fuck chain. Fox dicks aren't THAT fucking long.

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  • ShylokVakarian said:
    I think he meant a fuck chain. Fox dicks aren't THAT fucking long.

    Well then ill redo my calculation to accommodated this variable...

    *pushes glasses that I dont have back into place*

    Alright so with this new variable in place. Our new total comes out to roughly 159,366,400 red foxes.

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