aramet, bitch mess1ah, and mess1ah created by aramet

although she was sort of volunteered by her owner so it can really be rape XD

  • Comments
  • Actually, there's this fantastic new thing called "morning after pill" but I suppose that's ignoring the fetish of forced/reluctant impregnation.

    Yes, that is a fetish.
    Lurk more.

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  • ButchFaerie said:
    Actually, there's this fantastic new thing called "morning after pill"...

    Don't you mean breakfast in bed?

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  • Mrbyakko said:
    Wha'chu talkin' 'bout? It aint mine!

    DNA TEST? WHAT IS THIS DNA....ITS JUST A BUNCH OF LETTERS D:< I dont trust no government letters

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  • kalaslsl said:
    I would stay with her.

    Same,this is messed up how could this be a fetish? Oh wait I forgot about the even more messed up fetishes here

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  • Lawl said:
    Same,this is messed up how could this be a fetish? Oh wait I forgot about the even more messed up fetishes here

    I can't understand the pregnancy thing at all :(

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  • Kavali said:
    In my day, we called em' shirt hangers.

    In my day it was going down to Mexico and have the local kids there hit ya like a piñata.

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  • this looks like the beginning of a story in which they magically switch bodies or something, and he has to carry the baby.

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  • Clear lines between fantasy and reality. Even the most depraved fantasies can be the work of a perfectly healthy mind. I masturbate to rape porn, does that mean I would actually rape a woman? Of course not, that's disgusting. The belief that those who enjoy this kind of fetish, or any other similar fetish must hate women is as absurd as saying that everyone who enjoys first person shooters must be closet serial killers.

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  • SlikSope said:
    don't need one


    both of you guys are fucked up for saying shit like that.

    TheSpider said:
    Quick, where's the abortion kit.

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  • FenrirUnleashed said:
    Clear lines between fantasy and reality. Even the most depraved fantasies can be the work of a perfectly healthy mind. I masturbate to rape porn, does that mean I would actually rape a woman? Of course not, that's disgusting. The belief that those who enjoy this kind of fetish, or any other similar fetish must hate women is as absurd as saying that everyone who enjoys first person shooters must be closet serial killers.

    voted up because you have a brain that works, same here

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  • ButchFaerie said:
    Actually, there's this fantastic new thing called "morning after pill" but I suppose that's ignoring the fetish of forced/reluctant impregnation.

    Yes, that is a fetish.
    Lurk more.

    except mornin after doesn't work 100%. You cam conceive prior.

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  • fenrirunleashed said:
    Clear lines between fantasy and reality. Even the most depraved fantasies can be the work of a perfectly healthy mind. I masturbate to rape porn, does that mean I would actually rape a woman? Of course not, that's disgusting. The belief that those who enjoy this kind of fetish, or any other similar fetish must hate women is as absurd as saying that everyone who enjoys first person shooters must be closet serial killers.

    sorry, not sorry...

    Illuminati confirmed.

    I'll see myself out now.

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