nintendo and etc created by calurio
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They rubbed noses with eachother, gazing into their bright eyes and sharing a warm embrace.. He then takes her paw in his, closing his eyes as he moved his face even closer until his lips pressed up against hers. Her heart raced instantly as she soon joined the kiss, closing her eyes as their claws intertwined in their paw-holding. They felt deep murrs softly emitted from eachother, their cheeks warming into a faint blush as they joined together in this tender moment..~

  • Comments
  • I'm glad no one instantly jumped to "incest!" just because the two particular Lati@s were siblings in the movie

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  • DeltaFlame said:
    I'm glad no one instantly jumped to "incest!" just because the two particular Lati@s were siblings in the movie

    I'm glad too, even though I'm basically leaving that part of the context completely up to you guys xP

    ... but in my case.. I mostly imagine the siblings here.. please forgive me ^^;

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