engrid created by totesfleisch8
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  • okay got to say if ben doesn't come after you with copyrighting her do others because this is a little better then his work.

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  • Munkelzahn said:
    Hitler wasn't in the SS, so he must've been a good guy!

    Hitler, however, was chiefly responsible for Germany and therefore also for the SS. If I see this correctly, the uniform which she wears is also from the SS.

    german - Deutsch

    Hitler war aber das Oberhaupt Deutschlands und somit auch für die SS verantwortlich. Wenn ich das richtig sehe, ist die Uniform, welche sie trägt, auch von der SS.

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  • Melodic_Discord said:
    Is there a non-nazi version? because this is super hot..

    The uniform represented German ethnic pride and sovereignty in their homeland. That's pretty hot.

    The camps were unfortunate, but if it makes you feel better large amounts of the horror and numbers were exaggerated for Israeli propaganda purposes. Nobody officially claims that there were Jew skin lampshades now, for example. It's good that Jews have a country now, they're way cooler guys when they aren't a diaspora people.

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  • I love history, I just don't like it when it is something that controversial mixed with porn. Other than that, very well-drawn fine looking bitch if you catch my drift love her facial expression.

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