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- Save function:
Redesigned the whole thing from scratch. Should
work properly now.
Old save files won't work because of the redesign. Sorry about that but it would have
been too much work to take all the new things into account when loading an old file.
- Special Events:
Special Events can now occur to you mares. From day 30 on they will be randomly
Customers can now request a special session with two specific mares. They will only be
triggered if you own both mares.
Special Events give a different amount of money and exp than regular work.
Special Events drain quite a bit of health from your mare.
- Office:
At the infobox in the right corner of the office screen you can now see how many Artworks
there are and how many you already encountered.
- Gallery:
Gallery now shows you all the Artworks BUT only those you already have encountered.
It also shows you how many Special Pictures there are for every mare.
- Statistics
Removed the option to view Artworks here.
Added the number of Special Pics for every mare.
- Sell Mares
You are now able to sell your Mares.
You can only sell those who are not currently on duty
Once sold they will be a lot more expensive when you want to buy them back at the market
- Added over 130 Artworks for special Events
- Added 9 new Mares
Regular: Sassy Saddles, Moondancer, Countess Coloratura
Anthro: Moondancer, Sassy Saddles, Lotus&Aloe, Vinyl Scratch
Human: Luna, Chrysalis
- Removed the "Summary" from the Market
- Balancing:
Decreased the effect of the Doctor. He was way to powerfull
- Bug fixes:
- Fixed cost issue of the misstress

  • Comments
  • 002LockoN said:
    Relax mode doesn't work

    I am assuming you thought that you would get every mare right from the start. That is not how it works. It just means that every mare is "unlocked". That means you don't need the Special Points to unlock them.

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  • Regarding Special Events: For higher tier mares, Special Events actually cost money. Considering they also cost health, that needs to be fixed.

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  • Note to the People: your Saves don't carry over, and if you try you will break the game.

    I know I just tried it and broke the game.

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  • I know some of you would probably not want this pointed out, but after leveling the characters as much as you want, you can save, start a new game, and load the save, and have almost all their their daily costs are reduced to 10-15.

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  • way to cheat, make sure slot 3 is empty, get as far as you can into the game without saving, load slot three and start a new day, next press the next button 3 times, then press the skip button! it will freeze for a few seconds then return to normal and you will see what happens. pretty easy right?

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  • Game works fine, the only issue I really have is with the gallery - you can't see all of the special pictures. I'm kind of sad about that.

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  • Already beatin it, not easy though....the health was a factor in this one, the damn thing dont stop lowering, more than the other versions due the fact of the Special events, Fix that please! Oo

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  • Events are way too frequent, and the pay isn't scaling with a mare's Charisma and Worth. This makes it very much not worth the bother at Rank 4+.

    [Edit] I also notice some mares never get special events. Ever. BonBon is one that never sees a special, from what I've seen so far. I'll have to see who else gets passed over for events later.

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  • alright so I'm going to start deleting the outdated versions of this flash so if you are still playing them, either beat it quick or download it

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  • Yeah, playing for a while more and it feels like events are just piled on to a few selected mares every day for 3-5 days straight.

    Celestia is not worth taking now, as she seems to have an all too high chance of getting an event, and if she gets the ding, it's a 20k loss for the day.

    @Highlight the issue with income scaling on events is critical, especially with a mare like Celestia losing 95%+ of her normal income because RNGesus hates the world.

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  • This game was fun, took me a few hours, but got all 336 artwork in the gallery, every creature/anthro/human to 6 and was interesting.

    It's a fun game but I have a few issues with it,
    the bits reward for special events doesn't scale very well, and will end up making you a loss, yes I know the huge xp gain, but when you get a teacher and a rank 4-6 mare, it's the same thing. Clicking through 70 or so mares for promotions, (even using the red arrow) was a huge pain at times, I wish there was some way to just press 1 button on the "next, Previous" page to spend experience in lowest skill. I'm sad by the doctor nerf, but it's understandable, however, those events seem to target very specific characters for a few days then move on to the next, it's so rng-based.

    That's just some nitpicking on my side, very fun game!!

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  • Rainbow_Dash said:
    alright so I'm going to start deleting the outdated versions of this flash so if you are still playing them, either beat it quick or download it

    NOOOOOOO! You deleted all but the most problematic one? Are you nuts? Oo

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  • okay okay, i get it, the special Events dont scale, i will fix this^^

    It is true, there are mares who dont have a special event. Bonbon is none of them though. You can see how many special events a mare has once you bought the statistics/Gallery.

    I will do something about the scaling also a few other bugs people pointed out to me. I will upload the new version to the source and once i am sure no more bugs pop up i will upload it here.

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  • Highlight said:
    okay okay, i get it, the special Events dont scale, i will fix this^^

    It is true, there are mares who dont have a special event. Bonbon is none of them though. You can see how many special events a mare has once you bought the statistics/Gallery.

    I will do something about the scaling also a few other bugs people pointed out to me. I will upload the new version to the source and once i am sure no more bugs pop up i will upload it here.

    odd....I went to the source but the game doesn't load there

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  • Funnily enough, I have never gotten the Doctor yet in all my times playing this game. Admittingly, I don't play as enough as I should. Now I won't get to see his OPness. :D

    In any case, can't wait to play some more.

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  • I can't buy back mares I've sold even though I have more than enough money to. Its in relax mode and I've reloaded it with the same problem.

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  • Highlight said:
    Thanks for the info.

    That your old saves wont work was mentioned in the chnagelog^^

    There seems to be an off by one problem with getting stats. They need one more experience point than required to promote.

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  • Bugs with links:
    -> means wrong link
    T> means mistyped
    X> means dead link
    /> not a specific link
    I will link to what I find on e621.
    Without a > means I couldn't find a new link.

    h T> X>

    "Twilight Sparkle's special events" -> X> X / X> X> X> - X> X> X> X> X> - - X

    All should be https if the server supports it. Some images seem to be really low quality for Flash including artifacting. I guess this is just because the flash has a lot of images in it.

    It seems to go in the order of who was bought first. Is that intended?

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  • Jackal32 said:
    There seems to be an off by one problem with getting stats. They need one more experience point than required to promote.

    That only happens for the red level up button, the one that puts all of your available point into something. The black one still works fine. I'm not a coder, so I've got no way to know how to fix it, though.

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  • Morcaster said:
    What the nurse actually do?

    The nurse significantly reduces the health damage that mares take, but not from special events, and most likely not below zero. Stacks with the doctor, in which case your mares will always heal every night they don't have a special event.

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  • @Jackal32 Thank you very much for pointing out those errors. I will correct all of them with the next update.

    Also the issue with the red button is already solved. All it took was a simple "=" ^^

    The issue with the sold mares beeing unable to be bought back is also fixed.

    The low quality of the images is intended. The game has over 400 images and even with compressing and all it still has 24MB file size. Without compressing the pics the filesize would go through the roof. But since there is a link to the Source for every pic that shouldnt be too much of an issue. At least after i fixed the links xD

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  • Highlight said:
    @Jackal32 Thank you very much for pointing out those errors. I will correct all of them with the next update.

    Also the issue with the red button is already solved. All it took was a simple "=" ^^

    The issue with the sold mares beeing unable to be bought back is also fixed.

    The low quality of the images is intended. The game has over 400 images and even with compressing and all it still has 24MB file size. Without compressing the pics the filesize would go through the roof. But since there is a link to the Source for every pic that shouldnt be too much of an issue. At least after i fixed the links xD

    heh changed from < to <= I presume? :3

    When you say you'll correct all of them do you mean all the ones in the game or the ones I pointed out? Should I keep checking them?

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  • thelaughingkitsune said:
    Correction, I can only buy one of the first three ponies. But only one. I cannot purchase any more after I choose one of them.

    At the start of the game, you only have enough bits to purchase one of the three. If you work them, through the mare menu, you gain more bits, and thus access to more mares.

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  • Yiu113 said:
    At the start of the game, you only have enough bits to purchase one of the three. If you work them, through the mare menu, you gain more bits, and thus access to more mares.

    Oooooh, I was confusing "Cost" and "Price" - thanks!

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  • game sure is a bit of a challenge after about the 5th game i finally got it you really have to stay on top of your mares stats

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  • zarin55 said:
    Ummm bug. When I save it 1 asks me to save to my computer, and 2 it turns the language Deutsch

    I am also getting this language bug, though I unable to tell if it's asking me to save to the computer. I will also say that the language bug pops up any time I try to load an empty save file.

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  • Went to the source site to see the latest update only for it not to load up. Apparently there's something wrong with the website the file itself is being stored on as, when I try to just access the file directly, it comes back with an error message.

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  • DarkSonic said:
    I know some of you would probably not want this pointed out, but after leveling the characters as much as you want, you can save, start a new game, and load the save, and have almost all their their daily costs are reduced to 10-15.

    See, this is why we need an edit button that doesn't expire.

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  • Rainbow_Dash said:
    alright so I'm going to start deleting the outdated versions of this flash so if you are still playing them, either beat it quick or download it

    I don't recall if I've actually tried to download flash animations in the past, or tried but failed...

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  • The very first time I played this game I bought Twilight because she's the cheapest, put her to work, clicked on New Day and she refused to go to work -_-

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  • Very interesting game, makes me collect all possible artworks of different people.

    Also, I'm OgaraOrCynder, one of the artists whose artwork was used in this game. I'm perfectly alright with using my artwork (unless someone edits it), but if it would'nt have come to my mind to search if someone uploaded any artwork there some months later I'd never know one of my pieces was used. So I'd appreciate if you could ask before putting it in a game, because games like these, I attribute more like commercial using.

    But oh well, I'll try to find my work that was used here, don't delete it. I'm not complaining or something, just keep in mind that it'd be polite to ask an artist for a permission if you're not sure if they're fine with using their artwork in anything.

    P. S. - I'm secretly flattered.

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  • so what do the various stats do? I mean I know health and skill, etc, but does anyone have a cheat sheet for what each attribute does?

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  • celestiamagic said:
    What the hell is up with Nightmare Moon?? Like will she never work because of the 0 obedience thing or what?

    She won't ever work, unless you get a Mistress. The Mistress gives all of your mares +1 Obedience every day.

    Rainbow_Dash said:
    so what do the various stats do? I mean I know health and skill, etc, but does anyone have a cheat sheet for what each attribute does?

    Experience: Used to level up mares, earned every day. Nothing special on its own.

    Worth: Determines how much money your mares bring in per customer.

    Obedience: Chance that the mare will come in to work. Don't know the exact equation off-hand, but at 100 they'll come in ~95% of the time.

    Endurance: Determines how much damage your mares take every day. Does not affect the damage of special events. One of the two stats that raising will not increase the cost of your mares.

    Charisma: Determines how much your mares earn from each customer. Seems to be more effective with higher worth, maybe it's a multiplier? The second of the two stats that raising won't increase the cost of your mares.

    Skill: Makes you earn more money for multiple customers. ONLY WORKS FOR MULTIPLES. If you're only getting single customers, it won't do anything for you.

    Attraction: Determines how many customers your mare brings in. Keep in mind, there seems to be a limit to max customers based on rank. Rough equation I used is Attraction/20+1 for how many customers your mare brings in, up to a limit of your Rank.

    Health: Seems to be a modifier to all stats. Low health mares will be massive drains on your money, even if all of their stats are really high.

    Rank: Increased by leveling mares. I don't know any full equation for determining it, but it seems to go up once roughly every 120 levels you
    put into a mare. Higher rank mares can bring in more customers, and earn more from each customer, but also have a much higher Cost.

    Cost: How much it costs to run your mares each day. Often, a mare's cost when purchased is much, much higher than their actual cost. Level them once to decrease it. Cost increases based off of stats that aren't Charisma and Endurance, as well as rank.

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  • To all the complaints about special events losing bits at high level, looks like the newest (final) version doesn't have that issue, as special event payoff is just normal+20%.

    In other words, please update to the newest version admin!

    Rainbow_Dash said:
    so what do the various stats do? I mean I know health and skill, etc, but does anyone have a cheat sheet for what each attribute does?

    To build on what Yiu113 already provided above (again, this is per the newest version (1.3.7) so some things may differ), per the decompiled source:

    Exp depends primarily on rank as your Exp earned is multiplied by your rank, with (surprisingly to me) Worth as a modifier (100 Worth doubles your exp earned). Plus the teacher adds 50%.

    Bits is a bit (har) more complicated. Starts with Worth, then adds a small random, then multiplies by Rank, then uses Charisma as a modifier (again, 100 Charisma doubles your bits).
    Then it gets more complicated with Skill and Attraction. Every 25 skill lets you handle one more client, and every 25 Attraction means you actually get one more client. So there's no point having more Attraction than Skill. And no point in doing anything but batches of 25. This is for bits only. Zero affect on Exp. Also, every 25 health you drop loses you one client. So you can only service the max 5 clients at 100 Skill, Attraction, and Health.

    There's lots of details I'm leaving out, including special event handling, but that's the basics and really all that matters.

    What it comes down to is to play for Exp, by far your most important stat is Worth. Then Obedience (tho cheaper to use Mistress to build Obedience) or Endurance so you don't lose any turns. Although there is a crossover point somewhere (haven't calculated where) where spending your Exp on a cheaper stat will get to to the next Rank and another multiple of earnings quicker than building a higher skill. Playing for Bits is a bit more complicated since you'd have to calculate when spending the Exp on client multipliers becomes worthwhile. So far I've been too lazy to actually produce a decision grid spreadsheet. But I've had good luck in building worth to 75, then make Skill and Attraction to 25 or even 50, then worth to 100, then whatever (what you focus on next depends on what goal you are chasing, but generally I raised them roughly equally, though usually maxing Skill and Attraction last).

    The other stats are just obvious. Obedience is the % of time they won't refuse. Endurance is set so 100 halves health loss. Nurse is also half but they add up to 3/4, so you need Doctor (static 5 heal) to actually disable health loss entirely. Special events ignore Endurance, Nurse, and Dr though.

    Any specific questions, I'll try to answer them.

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  • This game seems pretty hard. I'm on Medium difficulty now and it says to get mares to rank 3 by day 100 (and I'm on 85). I have 8 mares who are rank 2, and have been rank 2 for well over 30 in-game days. Also Bon-Bon has over 35 Attraction and Skill and still can only get 1 customer per day. Is that a bug?

    Also, what do Special Points do?

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  • Whenever I load a save, everything goes full Deutch on me for some reason, and everything is undefined. I was just about to get Cadence too.

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  • Ichicora-Uzumaki said:
    is there a way to get nightmare moon to be a good whore? XD

    The mistress will raiser her obedience by 1 every day.

    DarkSpyro92 said:
    This game seems pretty hard. I'm on Medium difficulty now and it says to get mares to rank 3 by day 100 (and I'm on 85). I have 8 mares who are rank 2, and have been rank 2 for well over 30 in-game days. Also Bon-Bon has over 35 Attraction and Skill and still can only get 1 customer per day. Is that a bug?

    Also, what do Special Points do?

    It's all timing based, once you have enough practice. For the getting mares to high rank, I just purchase a new, high-ranking mare. Only for the real end-game challenges do you need to actually level mares.

    Special points are earned by finishing challenges. They allow you to purchase the last few mares.

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  • Problem I've been having with basically every Flash game on here is that it won't keep my saves for long. Is there a way to download a save file and upload it?

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  • Redrose said:
    where can i find games like this ?

    I know for a fact two different ones with rule 34 cartoon and hentai characters exist, I think they are even on this site. it's been a while since I played them though so I can't find them

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  • Man, i miss so much this game, is there a possibility thtat you can upload it again?.....

    Or make a download version? OnO

    Thanks 4 your time nwn

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  • man I missed this. I can't find this anywhere else (on a site that isn't littered with viruses anyways) it's a shame that this just vanished from the internet. I hope to see it again soon.

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