created by miburi
Children: 1 child (learn more) show »
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  • Ok, for everyone else like me who just couldnt see it, this is what i did.

    I tried both opera and firefox, opera seemed to have a problem running it automatically, you had to reload the image and it would mess up and eventually play with turbo speed.. Firefox was more enjoyable.

    In firefox, just open this image, and, heres the kicker, click the link that says "Size: 700x580 (3.7 MB)" to the left of the image. The image shown has been changed to a jpeg for some reason... open the png, or open in a new tab, then watch.

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  • Fatmon16 said:
    how can you view it animated? i'm on firefox and it's still not working???

    Is your browser updated?

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  • SkyWulf said:
    why the hell is it censored?

    The artist is Japanese, that may be why. Japan and their law on porn.

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