fan character (nintendo and etc) created by unusacies
Parent: post #994537 (learn more) show »

Due to a very stupid typo I did where instead of vaporwave I wrote Vaporwavee and then here you go, My brother calls it Vapoureon, I prefer Vaporweevee.

[Alternate version with chromatic aberration for that extra bit of A E S T H E T I C.]

  • Comments
  • Ryuzaki_Izawa said:
    oh man how would you evolve your eevee into this

    take it to a mall in Miami, take a picture of it with your camera phone, compress the photo, and upload it to your geocities page.

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  • by "Japanese written backwards" do you mean it's written left to right because originally japanese lettering is written from right to left or do you mean right to left because the american customary is left to right and they need clarification that it is indeed *not* written in the american way.

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  • funkyy said:
    by "Japanese written backwards" do you mean it's written left to right because originally japanese lettering is written from right to left or do you mean right to left because the american customary is left to right and they need clarification that it is indeed *not* written in the american way.

    Japanese is not written right to left. It's left to right or top to bottom. Manga panels and balloons are ordered right to left, but the text within them is still read left to right.

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  • funkyy said:
    by "Japanese written backwards" do you mean it's written left to right because originally japanese lettering is written from right to left or do you mean right to left because the american customary is left to right and they need clarification that it is indeed *not* written in the american way.

    It’s literally backwards. The characters are backwards. Like q | p

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