created by soykuden
  • Comments
  • The artwork is fantastic, but doesn't in any way appeal to my tastes. The shading is well done, too. Coloring is within the lines. My only issue with this one: The hair is too uniform to look as if she's under water. Normally, each strand of hair is free-flowing and doesn't group together too much. Nonetheless, A good picture. Just keep physics in mind and you'll do great.

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  • Inu-Kun said:
    The artwork is fantastic, but doesn't in any way appeal to my tastes. The shading is well done, too. Coloring is within the lines. My only issue with this one: The hair is too uniform to look as if she's under water. Normally, each strand of hair is free-flowing and doesn't group together too much. Nonetheless, A good picture. Just keep physics in mind and you'll do great.

    Agreed. I think that the rest is fine for being underwater, other than the hair. Bit it is still great =3. Not within my tastes either, but still good.

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  • Inu-Kun said:
    The artwork is fantastic, but doesn't in any way appeal to my tastes. The shading is well done, too. Coloring is within the lines. My only issue with this one: The hair is too uniform to look as if she's under water. Normally, each strand of hair is free-flowing and doesn't group together too much. Nonetheless, A good picture. Just keep physics in mind and you'll do great.

    Actually, I think Inu-Kun summed it up really nicely, although just as a side thought, with the way you have the sunlight(?) streaming down through the water, for the extra bit of realism maybe you could shade more darkly the parts that aren't in the sunbeams that you have there. Otherwise, really cool, and a pretty neat subject.

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  • And for the reccord, it's a bit my taste and i like it very much. The guys above commented the artwork very wel, so i don't have any thing to comment on that. But i want to know did you self created these mermade-like creatures of your own fantasy, because if you did: Wel done, a very thought trough design!!

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  • conkerfan said:
    can sombody find the source of this pic,sorry i forgot to mention that im not the one who drew it

    Wait...why would you ask us to comment on something that you didn't draw?

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  • There's no way she can properly thermoregulate her testis with them floating in the open water column like that.

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  • Tadward said:
    There's no way she can properly thermoregulate her testis with them floating in the open water column like that.

    Yes, person with reason, also how the hell did I get here?

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