make america great again and etc created by unknown artist
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  • Comments
  • BismuthGalaxy said:
    So many conservitards upvoting this

    Ah, the comments section. Ad-hominem at its finest.

    Big difference, the art is just fine, fairly good quality, I can guarantee most people who downvote are only doing it because the hat says something they don't like. People who upvote might just like the art, me for example, liberal, conservative, I don't give a damn either way, I just think the Misdreavus is cute.

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  • BismuthGalaxy said:
    So many conservitards upvoting this

    Ah, the comments section. Ad-hominem at its finest.

    "Conservitards?" That doesn't sound very nice.
    I agree with Darkrenard, chances are people are upvoting this for the actual art, not just because "hurr de durr a slogan i support is in a picture!"

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  • Dominass_Triton said:
    this is so last month

    The way so many are still flipping their shit over his election, including going full potato (2 steps beyond full retard) about slipping in someone else via Electoral College fuckery? It ain't old yet.

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  • BismuthGalaxy said:
    Sorry, I was mimicking to the comment I was replying to. I wanted to show how words like "liberaltards" and "conservitards" are useless, ad-hominem attacks with no real meaning aside from anger. I really should've made that more clear in my original post...

    Should of stayed silent then. You have more down votes on that post then the person saying liberaltard. Voting system is a great way to understand the popularity of a persons post, yours being the least favorite. If I were you, I'd be very embarrassed.

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  • Deji_Tank said:
    Why is this community so liberal?

    High presence and embracing of sexual minorities probably has something to do with it. Also, something about fantasizing about anthropomorphized animals doing the nasty doesn't feel very "Leave It To Beaver"...

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  • Deji_Tank said:
    Why is this community so liberal?

    I mean, a half gay fanbase avoiding the side that hates them (at least for silly Americans).

    Gee, I wonder why

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