syandene (christmas) created by ruaidri

Candycane Sy

One week away from Christmas seems like an okay time to post a christmas picture. Don't feel like waiting. x3

So, as is Tradition, I had to dress Syandene up in some sort of costume for the holiday. However, I was thinking about it, and wanted to do something new... I've done the obvious Santa outfits and Reindeer suits before, so I didn't want to just do those again. But nothing else especially christmasy was coming to mind.

So, I went with the only other major christmas symbol I could think of in three seconds- the candy cane! Apparently both Me and Sy were completely out of ideas this year. But hey, she can make anything look good, right?

Shoddy background because I felt like I needed something other than just her. Have to put a -little- effort into the christmas picture, even if I'm out of ideas for it. x3

Well folks, I hope it's okay. Lemme know your thoughts!

  • Comments
  • Glevna said:
    "Have you been naughty?"
    "Nope, but soon I will be! 8D"


    then i guess you get coal, and i get her,

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