Sherri's Birthday Party - Part 6/9 - Three's Company
There was just something pleasant about a hot shower after being stuffed, Sherri didn’t realize just how long she’d been gone from the party but she was sure taking her time to get back. Some of her guests were beginning to get restless, especially a rascal feline.
Spooks was happy to wander the house while the other guests idly chatted and enjoyed one another. He was keen on exploring the loving home that had created such a sexy little pup like Sherri. His exploration had brought him upstairs passing all sorts of family pictures along the hallway. Ellie and Sherri were definitely close that was for sure.
“Dammit.. stupid..” A voice came from down the hall making his ears give a curious twitch an English Gentleman should always be ready to help a lady after all.
Sherri was standing in her mother’s room, pairs of panties abound. Laying on the bed, the floor, a drawer open and full of them, and there was Sherri trying on a pair that had been stretched out. “Dammit Mom.. Stop stealing my fu-“ Her head turned, and there was Spooks. “…Uh.”
Busted! His eyes opened and he immediately turned his face to the side for a moment. “Just thought you could use some help.” He coughed, gently covering his mouth to afford her some privacy, yet not leaving just yet.
Sherri lofted a brow to him. “How sweet.” She rolled her eyes and let go of the tight blue panties that once fit so perfectly around her luscious butt, the garments immediately falling to the floor with a slight huff. “But I think I’m gonna have to go back to the party without clean ones.” She teased, lightly kicking those blue panties over to him.
Spooks looked up just in time to catch the panties on his face, the crotch directly on top of his snout. …Just a little sniff he thought to himself, deeply breathing in the scent of fresh petals. The perverted cat relished the flavor as he looked back to Sherri with a slight smirk, dragging the cloth from his snout. “Your flavor I presume?”
Sherri immediately chuckled, her lips curled in that mischievous grin. “Well kind of, my mom stole ‘em and has been wearing them.” She poked out that little sapphire blue tongue from her lips, watching as that moment of realization came upon Spooks’ face. “Yeah, the big elephant downstairs..”
His face turned sour almost immediately! Sherri was cute but her Mom was just NOT his type! “Ohmygod are you! Oh fff-“ He almost gagged and immediately tossed those panties from his face, wiping his face with his hands and giving a grunt of disdain. “C’mon Sherri don’t do that to me!” He huffed, especially with how Sherri was giggling on that bed. “It’s not funny dammit!”
“Yes it is!” Sherri teased holding her sides and leaning back against the bed, her thighs closed but her little pawtoes curled as she kicked those footpaws back and forth. “Don’t like pudgy milfs?” Sherri mused as she climbed up from the bed.
“No. In fact I do not enjoy pudgy ‘MILFs’ …especially MILFs with dicks.” Spooks gave a slight huff when suddenly he found himself gazing at a bare-bottomed Sherri yanking down his pants! “HEY!” He mrowled down to that little canine who was teasing his British boxer shorts.
“Ooooh, these are cute! Boy panties!” She teased tugging at the fabric while ignoring the fact that his dick was slowly growing firm from just her being that close.
“Sh..Sherri.” He gulped down his throat slowly biting down on his lower lip. “Y-“
“Yeah I know!” Sherri teased before she would turn around, wiggling that juicy little butt back and forth. “It’s my birthday, I figure I should be able to decide who goes next, that’s fair right?” She teased, lifting her tail and standing on her tiptoes and wagging those rounded hips at him.
He couldn’t believe his luck. There was no way this was real! Spooks took a deep breath as he set his beer on the nightstand, quickly fishing a rubber out from his wallet, much to Sherri’s impatience. “So.. You gonna act on it?” She waited after a pause… what was he doing?
Sherri turned around to see the cat fiddling with a rubber. Her ears instantly flattened as she reached out, her fingertips tugging on the prophylactic. “No. Just..” She tugged gently on the material and tossing it aside. “I like feeling the real thing.” Sherri stared up at him, gently nibbling on her lower lip.
The cat gawked at that flirty canine, the way she was just so at ease, leaning against the nightstand. Like she wasn’t even bothered by the way he didn’t stop peering at that blue slit. Fantasizing about how tight and wet it would be. Her cleft of pussy was hypnotizing him, making his girth just swell with need. “You’re sure? Like..” Shut up Spooks! “You’re definitely okay with it?”
That grin only grew wider as Sherri slowly turned around, leaning her body forwards on the nightstand, slightly spreading her thighs a little bit. His eyes widened as he saw that pussy flower right in front of him, with an oh-so-perfect trickle of nectar spilling down the side. “Got your answer?” Sherri teased, giving a slight shuffle of her thighs, teasing every one of his senses with that drooling mound.
He could practically taste that hot drooling pussy in front of him, the scent alone was driving him wild as he slowly took his place behind her. His arm gently sliding forwards, placing itself on her waist while he positioned his pick cock against her slit. “..Ohyeah.” He groaned in response, slightly pushing his hips forward, smearing her essence over his dick with a gentle push.
Instantly Spooks felt his dick just smothered in warmth, a tight enveloping sensation that only made his dick sink deeper into that velvet pussy with a slow push of his hips. Every inch just slathered in hot wetness that squeezed on his shaft, instantly making his body churn. He couldn’t believe just how tight she was. His eyes closing as he just continued pushing inside. The tip of his dick just embracing every one of her rivulets it bumped against until he came to the end.
Sherri was panting, her jaw dropping at just how firm his cock felt inside of her. Her tail wrapping around his waist, holding him close. “Mhh, it’s okay!” Sherri gasped out, her body squirming at that tight pinch of being slipped inside. “You can start..” She gulped down her throat, trying to catch her breath before he started to move his hips.
Sherri gave a sharp bark from her lips when he suddenly pulled back, thrusting back in with a sense of vigor making her jolt! “HAY! W-warm up a bit!” She barked out! She lost her footing for a moment but he was too enthralled by that pussy to listen properly. His hands grabbing at her thighs as his hips started bouncing back and forth inside of her. Rapid, impatient thrusts clapping his hips against her ass, closing his eyes tight and just letting himself embrace that pleasure filled pussy.
He didn’t even realize how his body lurched over hers, his claws sinking into her puppy butt to get more leverage in his thrusts. All he heard was those adorable moans escaping Sherri’s lips and the THMP! THAP, THMP, THAP,THAP! of his hips crashing against her body, the vibrations of his body making her pussy clench around his dick. He was too locked in with pleasure to notice the slight grunting noises that came from just beyond the open door.
“Such a good girl..” Ellie muttered to herself as she stroked her pudgy fingers up and down her girth, smearing the precum that bubbled at the tip down her stem to make a sticky squishing sound. “Take it all, you know you love it…” She bit down on her lower lip watching him smack inside of her little girl’s body. After all if Sherri didn’t want her mother watching, she shouldn’t be luring boys into her room!
Sherri was leaning forwards, her leg slowly lifting off the ground as he pounded away inside of her body. The tip of his dick pressed against that special little bundle of nerves as his swollen balls clapped hungrily against her clitty. “Hhhyh! Ooh! Y-Ah! Yah!” Her toes scrunched as she curled her clawtips into her mother’s nightstand, leaving clawmarks as she was forcefully pushed and pulled by the yowling cat. “Ohgod keep going! Fffh.. Faster~!” Sherri moaned out feeling that intense pleasure building up in her core.
Ellie licked at her lips. Her princess deserved the best, the most potent cum loads a cat could give, and after all she’d just be helping a little bit after all. She stepped gently against the hardwood floor with those thick red high heels clicking on the ground in time with Spooks rapid clapping hips. She kept smearing the precum against her cocktip as she finally set herself behind that cute little cat. Admiring how his pucker tightened with every thrust of his hips.
The motions of his body rocking back and forth inside of her daughter made her give a subtle groan. Her fingertips giving long patient strokes against her swelling dick, cum was frothing at the tip and all she wanted was to just stump herself away in her daughter, but part of the fun in exhibitionism was sharing so she’d just have to wait till later. After everyone else had gotten their turn with her birthday girl. Still her eyes stared at the cat slapping himself away in such a selfish manner, not even playing with her breasts. Just rocking his body with hers as he mrowled and hissed with lust. “Mhh, yeah, she can take it, give it to her, just lick that..” She gave another groan, thumbing the tip of her cock before pulling down with a long powerful grasping stroke.
“Hhh! Yah! Just.. just a little bit more!” Sherri moaned, her left leg lifting and curling those adorable polished toes of hers as she was pressed further into the nightstand with Spooks just slapping himself away. Driving himself as deep as possible, bumping against her cervix with every lurid SMP! SLAP! THP-THP-THP-THP! SHLL-SMAP! of his wildly swinging hips. No rhythm, no rhyme or reason, just a feral fury of his body crashing inside that temptress pussy.
It really was his fault for tempting her, Ellie reasoned to herself. His tail lifting high in the air, curling into itself as he tried to hang on, to keep from just bottoming out inside of her. “Hngh! Fffuck!” He grunted he was just so close... and then he was suddenly stopped. “Hey whatthe-“ He looked back, Ellie’s hand firmly grasping around his tail with a lewd smile on her lips.
“Shh, just the tip I promise~” She cooed with a motherly tone. Her soft loving voice betraying her intentions as she slapped her dick against his asscheeks with a loud SMEK! Her hips slowly rubbed her cummydick in between his buttcheeks with one long push. Tapping her balls against his tight kitty butt.
“Sherri did you know about this?!” Spooks cried out, trying to wriggle away but the need to cum inside Sherri was just too strong to keep him from moving away, however he wasn’t sure about having that dick hotdog against his cheeks.
Sherri felt her ears suddenly wilt. Not again. “Yeeeah. She likes doing this sometimes. Just go with it kay?” Sherri looked back up to him with puppy dog eyes slowly pushing her hips back, her hand sliding underneath and angling his dick against her warm puffy slit. “It’ll just be a little pinch.”
Spooks gave a groan as he started to push himself inside, suddenly stopping with his dick half inside. “Wait a little p-AHnYHnf-HAY!” He suddenly gasped as the thick ‘phant dick started to push inside his tight little kitty star! The pucker slowly spreading as she snuck just the head of her dick in so far, but her arms wrapped around his waist.
“Mmm, you’r e so cute!” Ellie cooed cutely, lightly rolling her trunk along his cheek in a gentle caress, stroking along his neck and pushing at her hips causing him to push forwards into Sherri. It didn’t take more than a moment for her dick to find his masculine g-spot, slightly pressing against it, holding it, and releasing only making his knees go weak with pleasure.
“OhmAH-ghhhd!” Spooks groaned out from the deepest part of his lungs, his eyes rolling upwards! He’d never felt this before, even as his hips pushed back and forth inside of Sherri the double teaming sensations of pleasure wracked the poor kitty’s little brain!
Sherri gave a little bit of a huff as his hips returned to a slow grinding sensation, she was loving how feral he was getting with his mrowls! “Mnnff Mommmh! Don’t break him yet!” Sherri huffed, the last time Ellie had done that to a boy she liked he wouldn’t stop begging Sherri to peg him.
“Aww but look at his cute little face!” Ellie cooed giving a slight buck upwards against his prostate making his body jolt like he’d just stuck a fork in a toaster! His dick crashed upwards against Sherri’s cervix with an involuntary sharp thrust of his hips. His face contorted as his balls clenched, and when Ellie let go he just unloaded!
“YyouCrazyCOW!” Spooks moaned out, all his kegel workouts meant nothing compared to this sudden unquestionable urge to cum. His body would have fell over onto Sherri’s if it wasn’t for Ellie holding him up, bracing him as he spasmed against Sherri’s insides. His dick throbbing and pulsing loads of cum blasting away into her body, as if his prostate had just pumped out the next three or four loads he’d had in reserves for the future! Every copious rope of cum blasting its way inside of Sherri, plastering her body and drenching her with jizz, just pouring himself out into Sherri’s body as he leaned his head back. His mouth open, gaping, lolling his tongue out of his mouth while his clawtips sank into Sherri’s luscious puppy butt.
Sherri meanwhile just lay there with a soft huff, she was so close, she could still feel her pussy burning with need as cum came rushing out from her snatch. Thick pungent kitty cream was drooling down her thigh and along her leg as she gave a lewd exhale. “Mnf. And I was so close too..” She pouted as she felt him pull away from her body just unable to even stand.
Sherri looked back with her lower lip curled in a little pout. Ellie smirking as she held that almost limp kitty in her arms. “Sorry sweetie, I was just trying to help him finish extra hard inside you! I didn’t realize he was so close!” Ellie mused as she pulled the dangling kitty into her arms and plopped herself on the bed with her new prize in her arms. Just because it was Sherri’s birthday didn’t mean that she didn’t want a party favor for herself.
Sherri situated herself a little bit, pulling her top down to cover her breasts again but recalling just why she was in her mom’s room to begin with. She needed a new pair of panties after the shower she’d just had. “…Fuck it. You don’t think they’ll mind me walking around a little messy, do you?”’
Ellie smirked, licking her lips as she felt her cocktip throb, just watching all that cum drip down her thigh and spill onto the hardwood floor. “Oh I think they’ll just absolutely love it!” She cooed sweetly before planting a kiss on Spook’s cheek.
“You’re gonna give him a few minutes to rest up right?” Sherri teased, folding her arms over her chest, looking down to Spooks who suddenly opened his eyes.
“Rest up for what?!” The cat squirmed in that milfy elephants grasp, her digits holding him close as her trunk played with his hair. “Sh..Sherri come help!”
Sherri snickered shaking her head. “Nope! Seems like Mom has plans for you!” With that she poked out her tongue, lightly wiggling her fingertips to him a teasing wave. “Ta-ta!”
The door closed with an ominous THUD and Spooks looked up to Ellie, her lips slowly spreading into a Cheshire smile. “Now where were we my lovely little kitty?” Ellie cooed as her fingertips dragged downwards, fiddling through his fur.
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MemberI want to see the story as an animation.
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