easter created by david kawena (artist)
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  • I'm so ready for Passover! I got my bucket of lamb and goat blood ready to paint my door frame, so the vengeful spirits of our skyfather don't drag my still-screaming children into the streets! And isn't that what the holidays are all about? Cruelty, fear, and mystical application of blood!

    They're probably telling that butterfly he better start filling his passover blood bucket.

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  • kohne said:
    I'm so ready for Passover! I got my bucket of lamb and goat blood ready to paint my door frame, so the vengeful spirits of our skyfather don't drag my still-screaming children into the streets! And isn't that what the holidays are all about? Cruelty, fear, and mystical application of blood!

    They're probably telling that butterfly he better start filling his passover blood bucket.

    Exactly! I saw this and immediatly thought, "It's not so happy for the lamb..."

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