created by unknown artist
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  • Comments
  • :33 said:
    Seriously, stop being creepy in dah comments.

    :33 said:
    Seriously, stop being creepy in dah comments.

    sToP bEiNg a TRolL. anD yOU cALl yOUrsELf aN aRTisT

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  • elguason said:
    sToP bEiNg a TRolL. anD yOU cALl yOUrsELf aN aRTisT

    bah, that aint a troll, just a concerned citizen. Now, if he wanted to TROLL us, the proper way would be to post pictures of furry art that had been edited badly simply "for the lulz"...... kinda like what someone has been doing a lot of lately.

    Ununpentium said:
    Stop whining.

    and that aint whining either. I totally agree with him. There is no need to post any comment other than "damn that shit is hot" or something along those lines when you see an image that you like. Instead, we get comments that would land you a beating in public, here on the boards. I could go back and start keeping track of all the comments thats have been said, but id be old and gray before I got them all.

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  • Oh man thats so fucking hot. as soon as I saw it I dropped my pants and fapped but I was too sweaty from arousal and had to lube it lol

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  • cjkrythos said:
    Way too much...

    It's not whining because you totally agree with him?

    You are both whining. Quit whining.

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  • CamKitty said:
    Ya, stop being creepy on a PORN SITE.

    It's not a porn site. Secondly, it's never okay to be creepy.

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  • Dude... Cockvore... C-O-C-K.... V-O-R-E... I mean, are you fucking kiddig me? After something like that it--... wha--... augh never mind..

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  • Well, :33, I didn't like you until I saw you defending yourself.


    blarggralb said:
    It's not whining because you totally agree with him?

    You are both whining. Quit whining.

    Why IS it whining? Because you disagree with them?
    No, they're not-- you're whining.
    "Quit Whininnnnnng! Quit it! Quiiiiiiit!"

    CamKitty said:
    Sure it isn't

    Sure, it isn't.

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  • All of ya. Shut up... seriously driving me up a wally...

    CamKitty said:
    Ya, stop being creepy on a PORN SITE.

    It's funny when furries try to have standards =3

    No. Seriously. Stop being creepy.

    :33 said:
    It's not a porn site. Secondly, it's never okay to be creepy.

    No. Seriously. It's a porn site.

    Aurali said:
    Kill them all

    No seriously. I'm sane, go away.

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  • Meex said:
    Why IS it whining? Because you disagree with them?
    No, they're not-- you're whining.
    "Quit Whininnnnnng! Quit it! Quiiiiiiit!"

    It's whining because it's bitching about what other people say. And you're whining because you're bitching about me bitching about other people bitching.

    Soooo, quit whining.

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  • blarggralb said:
    And you're whining because you're bitching about me bitching about other people bitching.

    You see the problem? According to this - valid! - definition, try to have a discussion without "whining"...

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  • You all know that "creepy" is a subjective concept that no two cultures will agree upon the exact nature of. Heck even in one culture the opinion of what is creepy differs greatly from person to person.
    Personally I feel that this drawing, in all it's ms paint goodness, is creepy and a waste of server space, but I'm not going insist that you stop being creepy with your posts. What you post is between you and e621, if I don't like it I can always spend time some place else.

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  • Bloodscale said:
    You see the problem? According to this - valid! - definition, try to have a discussion without "whining"...

    There is no problem! GET OFF MY PHONE!!

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  • e621: every comment is either "murr i wanna pee in her butt ;p" or "Shit. Like everything else on this site."

    over and over

    for every single image

    i actually miss when people DID just go "man that shit is hot"

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  • hip-porcupine said:
    e621: every comment is either "murr i wanna pee in her butt ;p" or "Shit. Like everything else on this site."

    over and over

    for every single image

    i actually miss when people DID just go "man that shit is hot"

    Or it's a flamer/troll. There's always a few of those.

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  • cjkrythos said:
    bah, that aint a troll, just a concerned citizen. Now, if he wanted to TROLL us, the proper way would be to post pictures of furry art that had been edited badly simply "for the lulz"...... kinda like what someone has been doing a lot of lately.

    and that aint whining either. I totally agree with him. There is no need to post any comment other than "damn that shit is hot" or something along those lines when you see an image that you like. Instead, we get comments that would land you a beating in public, here on the boards. I could go back and start keeping track of all the comments thats have been said, but id be old and gray before I got them all.

    You said "concerned citizen." Does that mean you play Half-Life 2? Dr. Breen recieved a letter from someone labeled "a concerned citizen" after the Combine took over. Barney Calhoun's a badass. If he doesn't know what something is he just shoots it dead.

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  • blarggralb said:
    It's not whining because you totally agree with him?

    You are both whining. Quit whining.

    says the whiner

    :33 said:
    Is this picture still causing problems? Wow.

    You get cookies for causing drama fest that lasted 3 months. DELICIOUS COOKIES!

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  • RatEater said:
    You all know that "creepy" is a subjective concept that no two cultures will agree upon the exact nature of. Heck even in one culture the opinion of what is creepy differs greatly from person to person.
    Personally I feel that this drawing, in all it's ms paint goodness, is creepy and a waste of server space, but I'm not going insist that you stop being creepy with your posts. What you post is between you and e621, if I don't like it I can always spend time some place else.

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  • elguason said:
    sToP bEiNg a TRolL. anD yOU cALl yOUrsELf aN aRTisT

    CAn YoU FeEl THe SuNLIghT? DoeS It bRIGhtEn uP yOUr DaY?
    DoN'T yOu fEEl ThAT SoMEtIMeS, yOU JuSt NeED tO RUn awAY?

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  • hip-porcupine said:
    e621: every comment is either "murr i wanna pee in her butt ;p" or "Shit. Like everything else on this site."

    over and over

    for every single image

    i actually miss when people DID just go "man that shit is hot"

    I lold, Hard.

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  • Dildo_Eater said:
    Dude... Cockvore... C-O-C-K.... V-O-R-E... I mean, are you fucking kiddig me? After something like that it--... wha--... augh never mind..

    I like cockvore :)

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  • I understand why we shouldn't leave creepy comments, they're creepy and they make people not want to come to this site. But some comments labeled as creepy are nothing more than a description of the image. It's like we're creeped out when it's explained to us, but not when we see it.

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  • Unsure if I'm aloud to say what I was going to say since a simple "stop being creepy" pic is causing mass chaos it makes no sense!...but then again what's the point in making sense? :D

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  • blarggralb said:
    It's not whining because you totally agree with him?

    You are both whining. Quit whining.


    Gerund or present participle: whining
    Give or make a long, high-pitched complaining cry or sound.
    "The dog whined and scratched at the back door"
    Complain in a feeble or petulant way.
    "The waitress whined about the increased work"

    They're not whining, they're complaining.

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