for trippledot
First dive into Clip Studio EX's animation tools, and trying to make simple variety over a baseloop. Variants are a bit conservative on this one due to mishaps in program. Turns out with the layer-based setup clip has, you cant merge animation timelines down, so if you animate head/hair/ears separately and want to merge them so you can add inbetweens to them together, you're gonna be in for a bad time. There are some technical workarounds that I wont textwall about, but one of the loops has an additional inbetween that i forced into animation as a proof of practice. I also did a little blinkwork. Overall success, but had some roadbumps being overambitious in a program I've never used for animation before.
GIF version of parent flash.
MemberOoh, that knot
MemberKnot succ is best succ.
Eldritch Knowledge
MemberGodlike animation as usual.
MemberGay gote boys are my fetish
Amazing work
MemberThis looks like something Disney would animate
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