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  • Comments
  • Conker said:
    quick question, could someone tell me how people are posting pics in comments?

    Quote them and you will see, young grasshopper.

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  • ippiki_ookami said:
    Quote them and you will see, young grasshopper.

    when i hit quote it shows nothing in there comments, just tell me please?

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  • SnowWolf said:
    close: thumb_#110301

    But without the underscore.


    testing...i still dont get

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  • The word thumb followed by a space. After the space, press #. Then, immeadiatly following, enter the image number.

    thumb_ _#110301 if you will. Without the _'s. Thumbspace#110301

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  • PhrozenFox said:
    Example of a valid "fix'd" comment?

    Nope. The website still ends in .net. Not all chans end in .org like 4chan does. Like this one. :p

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