created by ruaidri

Keeping Warm

Tossed together a couple of the bits and pieces of ideas floating around my head and came out with this. Basically a little more colour practice because I need it. xD So the linework is pretty rough.

You know, I don't think I've ever drawn actual snowing before. I've wanted to several times, but I was always afraid I would ruin the picture. Lucky for me, this picture was pretty much pre-ruined, so I figured what the hell, I'll give it a go. I think it actually helped the picture out quite a bit! It's not perfect, but it gives the effect of falling snow, so good enough.

So yeah... it's kinda bad but here it is. Hope you can enjoy it anyway x3 Rated mature, because we can't let the kiddies know that girls have nipples too, it'd shatter their fragile little minds.

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