created by ruaidri

Hangin' Out

This is actually a trade with Zambuka . I don't really do many trades, but he asked, and the timing really worked out pretty good for me, and I like his work quite a lot, so I figured what the hey, I'd go for it. I was just looking for some background practice as it was.

So, he left this pretty much entirely up to me. The exact, entire description he gave me for what to draw for him was "Bondage and all that goodness, of course."

So it gave mea lot of freedom to play around. x3 I wanted to do something different, but not too crazy. I wanted to do something involving bondage with a background, but I didn't want it to be indoors, and I couldn't think of any good situation where being tied up outside really made sense... and then I thought of vines. Of course! Random jungle sex, why not? xD

But all in all, not too terrible, I think... at least, I hope so! Let me know what you guys think. :3

Edit: I just now noticed that I somehow completely missed one of the giant markings on the lady's back, there. Well crap. Sorry 'buka! D:

  • Comments
  • my first thought when seeing a woman naked, in trouble tangled in vines... "I'll fuck her"

    or not

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