out-of-placers created by valsalia
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Toxic Bouquet Toss: A yinglet tradition designed to keep the females of marriageable age on their toes and on the lookout for oncoming dangers. The groom's sister is unfamiliar with this particular cultural variation of the bouquet toss, and has realized the danger of its payload just a moment too late.

Cake Cutting: Another yinglet variation of a traditional wedding ceremony. Decades ago, one yinglet groom sought to impress the other attendees of his wedding by mightily cleaving the wedding cake in two with one solid strike.
The men of honor, not wanting to feel any less mighty and capable of defending their bride, did the same thing during their weddings, and the tradition quickly spread.
The tradition now is more of a show by the groom of his swordarm, metaphorically slaying a great beast threatening the swooning bride. Intended for yinglet cake-cutting, the table was cleaved fully in half by the groom's mighty blow.

Newlyweds' First dance: The bride and groom catch the dance floor's attention as Fel lifts his bride off the floor, who then demands to be held at that elevation for the remainder of the dance.

Father & Son-In-Law Bonding: Taking a break from the reception, the father of the bride treats his new Son-In-Law to a pack pf cigars in celebration, ecstatic that his daughter has married someone who can cleave a cake table in half.
Picture contains evidence possibly related to the fire at Happy Hills Wedding Chapel; duplicates delivered as evidence to Happy Hills Sheriff's Deptartment, investigation pending.

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