fan character and ni (nintendo and etc) created by domovoi lazaroth
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  • Comments
  • so even litten looks good in a nazi (SS?) uniform. probably always good looking, that uniform (and the trench coat version).

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  • can somebody please explain to me why drawing anthros as nazis is a thing?

    are there just a lot of nazi furries or am i missing something?

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  • TheFailureNobody said:
    The Nazis were the most fashionable force in all of history.

    Those boots!
    That hat!
    The military-chic, no-nonsense organization of the outfit! Just look at those smart yet stylish accessories, come on.

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  • TheFailureNobody said:
    The Nazis were the most fashionable force in all of history.

    National socialism may have fallen out of favor, but its legacy of fashionable socialism lives on.

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  • Is your cat making too much noise? Try KITTEN MITT- um wait a sec, that' that a nazi costume?

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  • zedthecat said:
    can somebody please explain to me why drawing anthros as nazis is a thing?

    are there just a lot of nazi furries or am i missing something?

    It was always a thing at furry fandom before you were even born. By the way, drawing nazi anthros doesn't makes you a nazi. It's like claiming that someone is a serial killer for drawing gore porn.

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  • eightynine said:
    Those boots!
    That hat!
    The military-chic, no-nonsense organization of the outfit! Just look at those smart yet stylish accessories, come on.

    Hugo Boss was a derivative hack.

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