apple bloom and applejack (friendship is magic and etc) created by unknown artist
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  • (defun cutie-mark (pony)
    (cond ((equal pony 'APPLEBLOOM) (cutie-mark 'APPLEBLOOM))
    (t (assoc pony mark-table))))

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  • Dig said:
    She's good... at... herself...?

    She's good at being herself. All ponies need to be able to listen to their friends and take their advice, but sometimes just being yourself is the answer.

    At least that's what Twilight Sparkle was dictating at the end of the episode, before the universe collapsed into itself that is.

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  • ...bullsh*t.
    It should've been a mirror.
    Or else we all know that she's going to look at herself until she dies from starvation, dehydration, malnutrition, and everything, just because all she can think about is that cutie mark of herself. :V

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  • Considering the images have nothing in common but involving recursion, would this be a parent post?

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