created by zambuka
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  • Wolves.
    Big egos. Not always so bright.
    And the coyote's tail looks like it's an odd angle there; maybe it's like, attached to his hip.

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  • Hee...species domination. I love it. <3

    And no, the tail is proper; they really can bend that way.

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  • Alpha13Wolf said:
    not always but it sure is entertaining when we do.

    We coyotes belong to you wolves *the coyote cub says reluctently and obediantly*

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  • Alpha13Wolf said:
    not always but it sure is entertaining when we do.

    We coyotes belong to you wolves *the coyote cub says reluctently and obediantly*

    WuFFY said:
    RRRRAWR >:3~

    WuFFY said:
    RRRRAWR >:3~

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  • WuFFY said:
    RRRRAWR >:3~

    We coyotes belong to you wolves *whimpers as the cub reluctently and obediantly says it to make the rape stop as i know i just sigbed over my body instead*

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  • WuFFY said:
    RRRRAWR >:3~

    We coyotes belong to you wolves *whimpers as the cub reluctently and obediantly says it to make the rape
    stop as i know i just sigbed over my
    body instead*

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  • donkeydick said:
    We coyotes belong to you wolves *the coyote cub says reluctently and obediantly*

    donkeydick said:
    We coyotes belong to you wolves *the coyote cub says reluctently and obediantly*

    donkeydick said:
    We coyotes belong to you wolves *whimpers as the cub reluctently and obediantly says it to make the rape stop as i know i just sigbed over my body instead*

    donkeydick said:
    We coyotes belong to you wolves *whimpers as the cub reluctently and obediantly says it to make the rape
    stop as i know i just sigbed over my
    body instead*

    what the shit

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