zig zag created by max blackrabbit
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Woot! Come celebrate Zig's 10th year in the fandom! A little late (she was first drawn January '97) I'm just amazed she's been able to entertain (in some cases annoy) and keep her fans all these years. She thanks you all for your love and support, here's to another 10 years (yikes)

Besides being a b-day pic, it's also the 'badge' I'll be putting on all my Zig Zag pics this year, feel free to use if you do a zig pic in '07'.:)

  • Comments
  • KarstAvenger said:
    10 years?

    She's been around THAT long? 0.o

    plus the fact this was posted 2 years ago? >.>;

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  • KarstAvenger said:
    10 years?

    She's been around THAT long? 0.o

    Don't ask how long Sabrina's been around, then, or how long Eric Schwartz has been drawing furry cartoons.

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