created by leafdog

Hello Buns
I got a new pet fox. His name is Buns. He is such a nice, happy little guy, and he gives good backrubs. Say "hi", Buns!

  • Comments
  • Am I the only one who gets an uncomfortable belly after eating bacon and drinking milk?
    I wouldn't let Buns make me breakfast, but I may be willing to try a backrub. Then again after witnessing blanketless sleeps and a stool in the shower I can't guess what the backrub would be like, now could I? huehuehue :D

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  • DavidBowie said:
    Am I the only one who gets an uncomfortable belly after eating bacon and drinking milk?
    I wouldn't let Buns make me breakfast, but I may be willing to try a backrub. Then again after witnessing blanketless sleeps and a stool in the shower I can't guess what the backrub would be like, now could I? huehuehue :D

    Might be lactose intolerant.

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