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  • Comments
  • Kasrian said:
    Talking about wasted Talent on this Site... it really is sad.

    Idtapthattbh said:
    This is like Bill Gates working in McDonald's

    Wow. You people.
    When a master lends his hand to your fetish, you say "Thank you master, may I please have more?"

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  • this shits old, like ive seen it a while ago.
    like i think here actually a couple years ago, or pornhub maybe...
    all i know is 1.seen it before. 2. very long ago.

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  • I've never seen you guys so upset with someone doing quality work of fetish porn

    Also this is definitely old ass news, iirc this is one of those classic examples of "look at how much they got paid to draw this"

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  • Dysol said:
    If I had the skill and talent to create what I wanted, I'd create what I wanted.

    Until you realize you only get paid to create what other people wanted.

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  • Kasrian said:
    Talking about wasted Talent on this Site... it really is sad.

    So are a few of the "feedback" comments on this site *shrug* Very few if any, actually provide constructive criticism. At least, in my opinion anyways. C'est la vie. Some of the comments are wasted on here.

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  • fox_whisper85 said:
    So are a few of the "feedback" comments on this site *shrug* Very few if any, actually provide constructive criticism. At least, in my opinion anyways. C'est la vie. Some of the comments are wasted on here.

    Some? The majority of comments on this site are horny smartasses like myself who think they're funnier than they actually are. xD

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  • Kasrian said:
    Talking about wasted Talent on this Site... it really is sad.

    there wouldnt be any good porn if all the talented artists and animators didnt "waste" their skill to make it, but i guess you'd prefer to have ms paint scribbles so no one "wastes" their talent

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  • If a guy wants to ''waste'' his talent on this, he has every right to. Besides, with flash or other software, you can create good animation with a small degree of effort (think noir/jeniffer for example).

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  • Gearless said:
    Until you realize you only get paid to create what other people wanted.

    1. Find a thing that masses gobble up like swine and are ready to pay fat buck for it
    2. Use said funds to have comfortable living and make what you really want
    3. Win at life

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  • I was thinking that hey, this is super old animation, saw download link to wmv on flash posts source. However it's rapidshare which did done die couple years ago....

    So there is even higher quality 720p version somewhere, but it's well hidden in cyberspace. At least this has less compression from flash version.

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  • I don't get it. Why are people complaining because an artist didn't hit their fetish? Don't countless artists do that already? Besides isn't variety the spice of life or some such words?

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  • Hiatuss said:
    I don't get it. Why are people complaining because an artist didn't hit their fetish? Don't countless artists do that already? Besides isn't variety the spice of life or some such words?

    Because people can't use the blacklist worth a damn, or even want to.

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  • Haljkljavahlibrz said:
    1. Find a thing that masses gobble up like swine and are ready to pay fat buck for it
    2. Use said funds to have comfortable living and make what you really want
    3. Win at life

    Welp time to work on Breeding Season 2.

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  • I was wondering how this fell out of my favourites list. Didn't expect a higher quality version to show up. Still does nothing for my fetishes, but amazing animation is amazing animations. This is when I wish an admin would just rig the votes and give this +100. It deserves more recognition and admiration. That moment at 00:12 is so good I can hear the sounds in my head.

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  • more than enough People complaining about wasted talent and not enough people pointing out how during the entire transformation, only one building and guardrail got damaged.
    Furry logic, I suppose.
    Either way, I really like how this vaporeon was drawn! this may be a old flash, but keep up the good work!

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  • Kasrian said:
    Talking about wasted Talent on this Site... it really is sad.

    Also, keep in mind, brother, that this animation was created more than seven years ago. Mike is away from this and is doing much better things now.

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  • kasrian said:
    Talking about wasted Talent on this Site... it really is sad.

    Yes I only like the scribbles on here not the quality pics that are smooth

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  • gearless said:
    Until you realize you only get paid to create what other people wanted.

    Thats only true if you're not willing to work hard to find something you want that other people want.

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  • 986bears said:
    I've never seen you guys so upset with someone doing quality work of fetish porn

    Also this is definitely old ass news, iirc this is one of those classic examples of "look at how much they got paid to draw this"

    It's not really porn. Just fetish stuff for people who are interested.

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  • mairo said:
    I was thinking that hey, this is super old animation, saw download link to wmv on flash posts source. However it's rapidshare which did done die couple years ago....

    So there is even higher quality 720p version somewhere, but it's well hidden in cyberspace. At least this has less compression from flash version.

    I believe I actually have it. I don't remember where I found the file but the resolution is higher and it seems slightly more detailed to me at least. I'm uploading it now.

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