creative commons and etc created by tysontan


An "Alley" piece
A girl's childhood memory and her footstep to recollect those fragment she has forgotten.

Tools used
On paper pencil sketch -> Photoshop CS3

Vonne's Story
Vonne's childhood memory of she stood before her house's door on the narrow alley. When she is grow up and visit here again, the whole block has been pulled down for new zone. Vonne's seeking of her secret deep inside her memory starts here.

The girl in this picture is the heroine of "Phoenia". Her name is 鳳(pronounce like "phone", a Chinese character means "Phoenix"). Her English name is "Vonne".

My Story
This is a typical alley deep inside a south China old town.
A scene from the street before my former house when I was a little child. It's in the deepest corner of an old town area. All these old alley have been pulled down for new zone. I had a chance to take some photos but I didn't. Now feel deeply sorry about this. It was a little hill there, but now it was dug into a cavern for parking lot, which hurts from the deepest part of my heart.

  • Comments
  • WonderfulDistraction said:
    Typed a random post number and expected nightmare fuel, but this is beautiful.

    Faith in this website restored.

    Same here same here

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  • Such a beautiful picture. Well deserving of the example thumbnail for d-text. Props to the artist for the detail is extraordinary.

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  • Routganan said:
    Such a beautiful picture. Well deserving of the example thumbnail for d-text.

    Funnily enough, it was chosen not due to excellent art but because of it being image number 12345.

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  • Volphied said:
    Funnily enough, it was chosen not due to excellent art but because of it being image number 12345.

    Numbers have innate power indeed. Who knew a rational set of digits that are pleasant to behold in its natural ennumerative order would be the 'prime' candidate for d-text?

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  • Always love Tyson's drawing, especially his selection in color... It's always in a good harmony!

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