judy hopps and nick wilde (zootopia and etc) created by meesh
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  • ZombieFX said:
    That what she tells everyone but the chief,
    to then tell him hes better then everyone.

    Woman... all the same, even if anthropomorphic bunny.

    AlexanderMugetsu said:

    Kylirr said:
    go back to r/redpill

    Bucket said:
    This picture is a lot funnier with context from this other picture by the same artist. :P


    chachicho said:
    Implying he's wrong lmao

    vAktrus said:
    Man go fuck yourself.

    ippiki_ookami said:
    don't attack users

    chachicho said:
    "I don't agree with your opinion so I'm going to get angry at your comment and insult you"

    K bud. Stay close-minded. Maybe instead of having a knee-jerk reaction to the mere THOUGHT of the nature of women not being what Disney movies brainwashed you into believing, you should consider WHY you had that reaction in the first place, and try to look at your world-view objectively and factually rather than emotionally.

    Not like this'll get through to you though. One can hope.

    Toxic_Serpent said:
    What if Judy, the chief and Nick are just fuckbuddies? Not in a serious relationship, just co-workers fucking around for fun? And Judy gives both of them positive reinforcements, stroking their ego to make them enjoy the experience more?

    I'm just saying, there's not a lot of context to the picture, and you can come up with different, yet plausible scenarios if cheating / cuckolding pisses you off...

    Spoonman said:
    Probably says "you're better than 'x'" to make it kinkier.

    kablam78 said:
    I felt the first post was an "attack" on female users. Not saying the post you singled out is an okay way to respond, but are we just going to ignore the obvious BS first post?

    Equinok said:
    Bruh you're talking like you have had an actual girlfriend or something before  Coming from someone twiddling their dick for some cartoon porn talking like they're some relationship expert I'd say your real world knowledge of women is pretty lackluster.

    monolyth421 said:
    For a tiny bunny, the smaller, thinner dick probably feels better. He's still pretty big for a fox.

    Dostri said:
    You forgot to tip your fedora for m'lady.

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