flora and trace legacy (twokinds) created by tom fischbach

"Touch Stripey Tail"
Sometimes you just can't help it.

Sketch of 977th page of TwoKinds.


Flora: Trace, while the kitten in me is giddy at the idea of actually getting to live in this piece of my childhood… You do remember this is just a rest stop for us, right?

Flora: To be honest, I was afraid just being here might reawaken that… you know, other side of you. So I admit, things are going better than I expected, wolf attack aside. But… Lyn’knoll is still the ultimate goal.

Trace: I know, I know. But it seems like we may be stuck here for a little while. At least until things calm down enough to get resupplied. So why not enjoy it while we have it?

Trace: This place seems safe. The Templar are distracted, and the town guard seem to still consider me in authority… There’s even a dragon watching over us.

Trace: And while I’m not sure how much we can trust Reni, she seems… nice enough. So what do you say… Duchess Flora Legacy?

Flora: Duchess… Legacy?

Twitch! Twitch!

Flora: M-Mrowr~❤!

Flora: Gah! Bad Trace! I never should have told you about that spot! I knew this place would bring out your evil side!

Trace: Hey, I’m innocent! I just wanted to help you relax, honest!

Flora: Pff! Sure! Well, it’s working.

Page transcript provided by Tom

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