eric vaughan, evals, and mike (twokinds) created by tom fischbach
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Basitin Black Magic
Turnabout is fair play in the Black Magic game, it seems, and Mike is prepared to do just that. Unfortunately, he seems to have underestimated the depravity of Eric, or how the magic might cause him to act on the other side of the fence. Apparently, a female Eric is just as perverse as a male one, only this time, they have become the target of his... paintings.

Perhaps next time, Mike will choose the target of his black magic more carefully. Though something tells me, things won't go quite according to plan, regardless of how many time he tries. I'm sure plenty of future wacky hijinks are in order as he tried repeatedly to carry out his revenge. That's how things tend to go, when made-up dark arts are involved.
~Tom Fischbach

Someone should make a following page to this.......just saying :3

  • Comments
  • Tsuusetsu said:
    Lol, this just proves that when given the chance, all men want a taste of other men ;3

    nah, new experience to try out a new body

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  • And this is why you don't make your owner sexually attracted to you in Twokinds. Those darn spells to control you ARE still in effect...

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  • Tsuusetsu said:
    Lol, this just proves that when given the chance, all men want a taste of other men ;3

    Depends on your mental state. In general, stuck in female mind. Like natani just more deeperly warped.

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  • I like the positioning of Mike and Evals in the last panel, its pretty sexy actually. I would defiantly trade places with Eric to be there.

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