database error, karen taverndatter, maren taverndatter, carver, raine silverlock, and etc (twokinds) created by tom fischbach

He's such a nice guy, right?

Sketch of 982nd page of TwoKinds.


Carver: Hahaha!


Carver: Bravo! Well done! It’s no wonder you flunked out of the Templar.

Carver: Not that many of my, er… colleagues are much better.

Red: Who the hell are you?! How did you find us?

Carver: You can call me Carver. And finding you was easy. All the other Templar in Edinmire are running around like chickens with their heads cut off. But me? I knew the nearby hot springs were just the place to look for missing wolves. And voilá!

Red: I don’t know what you’re talking about. We’re not from Edinmire!)

Carver: Mmhm. Sure. Well, either way you’re mine. Lots of folk looking for wolves these days. Especially… certain wolves.

Red: You can’t keep us in here forever! You’ll have to let us out eventually if you intend to capture us!

Carver: Nah! I’m just going to wait until you all run out of air!

Red: Why you little–!

Carver: Honestly, at first I was hoping that you wouldn’t find the barrier until it was too late. But seeing the looks on your faces is so much more fun!

Raine: (thoughts) …Huh…

Page transcript provided by Tom

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