Added Cockatrices! Combining the deadly aspects of basilisks and harpies, they should be a challenge to fight.
The game now shows how much lust you gain in combat, for most encounters.
Added more IDs for pictures for image pack.
Priscilla has been overhauled when it comes to sex. Wrestle scene has been added.
Some of Behemoth sex scenes have been rewritten! Pure Jojo anal virgin scene is redone as well. Thanks misplaced-radish!
Building camp wall now cost stones. Finally, an use for the stones!
Some tweaks to racial scores.
Special character creation should work again.
Minor text QC for bimbo miniskirt.
Kitsune ovi scene now checks for cock.
Some more bug fixes not documented.
Removed max attribute modifiers from races. Now all races have the usual 100 cap. New Game+, buffs, debuffs, and certain perks still affect the maximum.
MemberSnif, the dragon-morph are no longer powered...
But it still good!
MemberFenoxo... I need to say... It is just amazing how you create these scenes with just letters! Really! You can be proud of your work ... If only I could send money ... Like, I'm broke ... I would ask for a new region from which there would be a dragon lvl 20+ as a boss, a very serious battle .. You know ... I think I'd give you a good collection of options to ... Ahem, Sex ...
Anyway, Congratulations! You made several happy people!
MemberGeeze if only I still had the time to continue playing this. I loved this game back when I could pour the time into it.
MemberI feel like something has changed with the prison (the one with Mistress Elly) because I can't seem to be able to access that now. Visiting the back alley my character just turns around and leaves, and I just can't find the other random entrance at all.
Anyone know what i'm missing?
MemberActually, this is a modded version. Fenoxo, Savin, Adj, and the rest made the base game, which is really good, but so much has been added by these modders it's like a near-complete overhaul.
MemberAnyone actually encountered a Cockatrice? I was spam exploring High Mountains for an hour and nothing.
MemberYou must have met Benoit and you have talked with him about Cockatrice, you also have to encounter a harpy, then you can encounter it rarely on the High Mountains
user 205330
MemberNot really a fan of the new look for the stats
MemberFinally reached the day 365 mark. I usually beat the game by then, but decided to try for the achievement. It's a shame there isn't a scene for a new champion arriving, after all it was an annual thing.
Memberi just spent 2 hours grinding. increasing my cum production by the kitsunes in the deepwoods. i close google chrome to start playing some other game. then i realized it. i forgot to save.
Queen Tyr'ahnee
JanitorWhy did the race stat modifiers have to be removed? They actually made sense depending on what race you were (some animals are faster/stronger than others etc.).
MemberI believe why the Stat Modifiers were removed is because some races had stats that could reach over 100. Causing some Perks that are effected by the stats to become stronger than what they should be making your character unbalanced. For example: Parry, Shield Mastery, Tactican, and various other perks that are effected by higher-than-normal stats. Basically, this rebalanced the game to hopefully make it a bit harder to proceed throughout the game.
MemberAnyone else playing Grimdark mode completely lost in what they're supposed to do? I can't go anywhere with all these Iron Gates everywhere, I've only managed to find the key to the Deep Forest (clear the factory in the mountains, if anyone's wondering), and I'm just sitting here grinding endlessly with no goal in sight, jacking off into my face for nourishment. To top it all off, camp has been replaces with Ingram, so I'm not seeing any of the followers I'm acquiring. Do they just disappear forever? Is there a button I'm not seeing?
Anyone have any answers? I tried looking up this shit at the wiki, but there's nothing there.
MemberHow do you even access this Grimdark mode?
MemberBefore you start a new game, go into settings and turn on debug mode. This will unlock additional options when you hit new game, such as making a herm character straight out of the starting gate, as well as entering Grimdark mode.
Now that you know, prepare to get raped constantly by anything and everything.
13th immortales
Member'Make Mareth Great Again' best achievement name ever
Memberhow the hell do i get a large pink egg???
Nexus Traveler
MemberWas the Lust reduction of Sheeps milk reduced?! Before it was reducing like 15 now it barely reduces 10
Queen Tyr'ahnee
JanitorDrink multiple ovi elixers, then go to the lake until you get the random event that lets you choose a color, the color you choose will be the color of the egg you later lay.
MemberI'd assume it's in this update or a previous one, but does anyone know if the saves carry over every update?
I'd assume not, cause there's going to be different data and stuff, right?
Queen Tyr'ahnee
JanitorMy saves carry over from every update, and as far as I am aware any updates get applied to my saves.
MemberHow do I get my character to become pregnant? She has had sex several times and still nothing, and even has the extra "fertility"
Memberoh. thanks buddy
Queen Tyr'ahnee
JanitorThis game desperately needs new perks, I have 65 perk points that I can't spend...
Nexus Traveler
MemberA drink boost perk would be nice... Something to improve the effect of healing items
Memberhey how does one become a taur???? curious.
MemberYou can ask Rathazul to craft Taurinium, it'll need 1 minotaur blood, 2 equinum, aaand 100 gems.
MemberCan someone tell me how do you craft the medicine to the lizard at the town? I've been trying one since the last update.
Queen Tyr'ahnee
JanitorIf you are talking about Arian at Tel'adre then you just give him vitality tinctures.
MemberHow do I defeat the carpinteer at the dungeon? I am lvl 34 and yet with all the good stuff he keep healing himself and guiving lust... It is totally hard!
Sorry if I wrote shit... I am a Brazilian =D
Pome The Cat
Memberpensei que eu era o unico brasileiro que jogava c.o.c =b
dalforce vee
MemberIs there got any way to got mod version of this game for android?
MemberI've been trying everything to get Ember but I haven't found him/her/it. I've searched in the swamp for at least half an hour and nothing. Am I supposed to do something?
MemberIf you search in the Swamp something like 20 times (idk the exact number) you can find a dragon egg. Take it home with you. That's Ember's egg.
Memberhow does one open the door to lethice?
I always finish the stronghold but i could never open it
MemberI got ember's egg, thanks Eldanon.
Now it's time to fuck up Lethice (I've been trying. I've been sparring with Kiha and Minerva and got to level 27 and I think I can fuck with her shit.)
user 205883
MemberIs there a good ending with the centaur? I remember you being able to fuck Kelt without him ending the game. Or was that removed in a later patch?
MemberAnyone know what's required to actally play this directly from your HDD? Every attempt to download this game downloads a link, and I'm not sure what all tools are needed for flash to properly run it (or my Adobe Flash is bugged to all hell.
MemberNevermind I'm dumb.
The problem I'm having is actually just related to me being dumb. as for the save to file functions its the main reason to even bother playing it from HDD. browser and flash security won't allow outside info to be used for flash games like this. kinda funny how that works.
MemberI heard about it and searched for it even so far as going to the discord chat with the mod developers to ask questions. Most of them didn't even know it existed. I have played through as far as it will let you, but there are some problems. Its still WIP so you cant progress very far, its very grindy, and accepting a follower to your camp deletes them from the game because you dont really have a camp. I suggest just waiting until they make a full release of it.
Memberis the basilisk broken? during a fight I can use P.specials M.specials, spells, and tease just fine but if I hit attack there is no text just a drop in speed and increase to lust
MemberI think its just a missing piece of text. I have seen it too, it doesn't always happen, but when it does its can make you lose if you arent careful. I recommend just teasing it if you can.
MemberAnzu's sex scenes have several spelling errors, it seems that all options have errors. Sorry for nit-picking, just trying to help
Memberwheres the Vore in this if there is are you able to?
Queen Tyr'ahnee
JanitorI believe it happens in a bad end with the tentacle beasts. I haven't done it but I think it happens when you lose to them three times in a row when your player character has really low intelligence, like 10 or so.
Memberthats sucks i was hoping you would be able to do vore ):
Memberstill fun though
MemberActually there is a vore scene with Venus (the giant turtle) at the lake if you choose the fuck option.
Queen Tyr'ahnee
JanitorThey were hoping that the player character would be the "receiver" of the vore, not the "giver".
Memberdont tell Helia about her father or she killls the Harpy Queen
Memberis jojo broken or?
Memberwhat do you mean?
MemberHaving some problem when I played from the website, saved to file, then downloaded the game. Now I can't load from file for the version I downloaded.
MemberFour feet tall yet I hit like a truck and am nigh impossible to beat x3
The tiny human is fearsome.
Memberhow do you get past the Tower of the Phoenix's dam lust gets built up by 30 by the jailor and the lustbangs
MemberWhy did it include my statement in the quote? Anyway. The prison is accessible. It has to be enabled.
Memberhow can you see the red dog thing that try's to steal from your chest how do you meet him again
MemberYou need to be a full female with no balls or penis and need to have a bust size of at least C cup. He should appear a few nights later if you didn't slap him. You could learn more here.
Membermy i never see red doggo again also thanks :3
Memberanyone know where i can find that deluxe dildo thats oh so hard to find. im trying to get a few special scenes to open up but sadly i have no idea where it is
MemberYou have to fight and win against Tamani with physical damage.
Memberwell when u think about it u are getting to do some vore in a way. if u find Valeri the goo girl, that one gooflation scene is a type of vore in a way, plus the scene with the worms is a type of forced vore if your willing to lose to them on purpose, so in some but not all u are doing some unconventional methods of vore u wouldn't normally see everyday
Memberok thx, see everytime i saw her and she ask to fuck i just went with it, i didn't really know that was the case. ill just try to piss her off by saying no a bunch of times, that'll probably do the trick
the lord of the tags,
for the tags are never ending
Memberwell I'm 7'6-7 and I hit about 150-170 damage,
how does the fearsome tiny human gain that much damage?
MemberHow do i get the ovipositer thing like the bees have?
MemberDrink the honey the bee gives you when shes horny (not when she has eggs).
MemberHey Anon25, u have been playing this game for a while right? u wouldn't happen to know an easy way to gain tentacle dicks without having to take the lake boat to the demon bitch just to gain them?
MemberLake Bitch, Marae is sort of the easiest way to get tentacle dicks, but it's a process. Corrupt her by messing up the dungeon place, run(I would suggest having a high speed stat so you can get her crystal), a weird tree should eventually grow near your camp, raise her till you can get fruit and sap. Keep eating the fruit after fucking her, eventually tentacle dicks.
Memberok, keep the fucked up tree instead of killing it, got it
MemberHave 66+ corruption while having a dick and go to a corrupted glade and fuck a flower there is a slight chance you will get a tentacle dick.
Membercan you add savig as a code or link?
MemberIs there a way to incress girth/ the width of your dick without making it taller
Nexus Traveler
MemberNo Idea what is going on now... I'm a fully human character but after getting Ember I can suddenly Breath Fire but I haven't drank any of her blood...
Nevermind, I know the Spell White Fire and somehow didn't know I did.
MemberWait... After looking through the tags, is there really unbirthing in this game?
MemberYes if you choose the fuck option for the giant turtle she uses you as a dildo which would classify as unbirthing I think?
Memberooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhh... Ok
Memberany way i can decrease my boob size and get rid of my 2nt row of boobs? i tried looking at the wiki and didnt find much help
MemberA large blue egg should do the trick also, it will remove your vagina if present
MemberThx :D
Memberalso by any chance is there a way to get rid of goo hair?
MemberAs a drider, how do you fertilize your eggs?
MemberEverytime I go to buy the vitality tincture for arian I drink it someone please help me!!!
MemberAnd by drink it I mean I can't even put it in my inventory I just drink it and I'm sitting here like I fucking need that shit!
MemberHow do I make my tits smaller
MemberHas saved my ass mulitple times, I don't need tits as big as venus's
MemberCan you even hatch an egg(any color) instead of eating it?
Memberalso does the game end or not?
Queen Tyr'ahnee
JanitorNope, their only purpose is to be consumed for transformative effects.
Queen Tyr'ahnee
JanitorYou can "beat" the game by completing the main quest, but after that you can explore and find all the different encounters and scenes you might have missed. And after you are satisfied with how everything is you can ascend your character to play all over again (with all your stats, perks, items, and equipment carrying over) and try a different path.
Memberawwwww :( sad... thanks anyway for the info.
MemberThe game has been updated guys fyi
Queen Tyr'ahnee
JanitorToo bad the update is pretty much only bug fixes and tweaks, no new content whatsoever besides a new achievement.
MemberNope. not playing with out the clock.
Membercant get past mino king ARGH
MemberThere is a clock but, its in 24 hour mode and can't be changed its pretty easy to found out the time if you know how to read it.
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