created by wooky
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  • Comments
  • Well, unfortunately, age claims us all eventually... *shudders at the thought of what Wookiee looks like now* Ugh, I just imagined Micheal Moore with hair only around the rim of his head and a ponytail in the back.

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  • FerrisOnFire said:
    Well, unfortunately, age claims us all eventually... *shudders at the thought of what Wookiee looks like now* Ugh, I just imagined Micheal Moore with hair only around the rim of his head and a ponytail in the back.

    Not really. I keep my head close to shaved, 5'9", weigh 180 and am in pretty good shape. Although having aponytail would be cool. :)

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  • airazor said:
    You must have had two men for parents. didn't you?

    Yeah, because everyone knows that two straight parents can't produce a gay child.

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  • Wookiee said:
    46 actually. Will be 47 in November. :)

    Nice to see you're still around. What's the earliest year you were doing furry art? Cause I keep having folks go 'whow' about stuff from the 90's, as if furry art couldn't have existed then, love to find some stuff that was from the 80's or so.

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  • Beep said:
    Nice to see you're still around. What's the earliest year you were doing furry art?

    I used to draw cartoon characters going at it when I was much younger but those drawings are since long gone. I doscovered the fandom in 1995 and had my first web page in early 1996.

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  • Unicorn said:
    Wookie, I dont care how old you are. I'd fuck the shit out of you.

    I don't know if I should de flaterred or worried. :)

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  • Wookiee said:
    I don't know if I should de flaterred or worried. :)

    You should be shocked. And turned on.

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