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  • i wonder, if she got pregnant from them having sex in these forms, would the baby be some kind of werewolf-cat-bear-cow?

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  • spikeyseth said:
    i wonder, if she got pregnant from them having sex in these forms, would the baby be some kind of werewolf-cat-bear-cow?

    to answer this it would end up a druid though it would be a troll/tauren druid wonder what that would look like

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  • gamer9087 said:
    to answer this it would end up a druid though it would be a troll/tauren druid wonder what that would look like

    Why would it be a troll/tauren druid? That's a worgen.

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  • i would very much like to know if thats a female because if it is ill be very disgusted to have been turned on by this (i obviously mean the one riding the obvious male worgen druid in cat form)

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  • Kyomei said:
    i would very much like to know if thats a female because if it is ill be very disgusted to have been turned on by this (i obviously mean the one riding the obvious male worgen druid in cat form)

    does it really matter? :) it doesn't show anything. The intention of the art doesn't matter. All that matters is how it makes you feel :3

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