fibber (lilo and stitch and etc) created by lawlesssquirrel
Artist's description

I've been slowly making my way through the Lilo and Stitch series, and this guy makes me laugh. He's my favourite series-based experiment by far!

I intended to do an obvious (but esoteric) animation with this weeks ago, but I lost focus or something, because it just ended up sitting there...taunting me... So I decided I'd do something with it today. I was going to go back and draw more frames in, go more detail and such, but in avatar size it seems the detail would be lost, so this will do fine for what it's meant for.

Probably going to do more with this later anyway. So WIP, I guess?

  • Comments
  • Spotton_Pontential said:
    Now if we replace the background with images of cities burning...

    That would be amusing, but all this experiment can do is detect lies.

    Although, one could imagine him causing a massive city riot by forcing people to be completely honest. Politicians would be wrecked by him.

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