created by hauringu
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  • Comments
  • These pictures that show both an outside and inside look of a knotted cock cumming in a hole where the inside part shows the knot in while the outside view shows the knot out while the dick wielder is cumming bugs me to no end. Why to artists do this?

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  • Dragon3076 said:
    These pictures that show both an outside and inside look of a knotted cock cumming in a hole where the inside part shows the knot in while the outside view shows the knot out while the dick wielder is cumming bugs me to no end. Why to artists do this?

    One of the pictures is before and the other is after.

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  • MittyTuna said:
    Nothing showing this is a cuntboy, obviously a girl

    Flat chest, just because he's girly looking doesn't mean he's a girl. Regular guys have had appearances feminine enough to seem female, you can be sure a c-boy would be no different.

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