roselyn and saria legacy (twokinds) created by tom fischbach

Rose's Rescue.

An origin comic about the first meeting between Saria, Trace's future wife, and Rose, the cousin of Euchre. After being interrogated by then Grand Templar Mary Silverlock, Rose was kept a prisoner, and would have spent the rest of her life forgotten in a Templar dungeon.

Thankfully, Saria and a couple people inside the Templar arranged for her escape. Saria took Rose in, employing her as a servant (with pay!) until she could arrange travel back to wolf lands. Rose however, extremely grateful towards Saria, eventually decided she had nothing to go back to, and chose to stay.

Saria and Rose remained extremely close. Saria years later would marry Trace, ironically resulting in Rose once again ending up in Grand Templar hands after Trace took power.

  • Comments
  • Evellon said:
    That left me thinking... are they spirits or ghosts? Because by that time Saria was dead, and they talk about her like she´s alive.

    At that time the comic's continuity was really in flux. I don't think that Tom had decided that Saria was actually dead when that page happened.

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  • She is like a like a remanants that seam to come back from the dead, like an angel or an holy saint or some shit. There is certainly a really big maccguffin behind!

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