"Cockpit Tease"
Holy crap I can't tell you how good it felt to finally get this done! Here's the result of July's pinup poll in which Krystal snagged the limelight. She's done with her flight drills, but it looks like she's in the mood for another sort of drill if you know what I mean >83...
Her suit was actually super hard to get right for some reason. I really wish Nintendo would release some HD turnaround images of her so we can get a good look of what her flight suit looks like from all angles (especially that friggin' belt), but I'm certainly happy with the way she turned out regardless of the lack of decent reference.
Wallpapers, including the clothed/armored version can be found --BY CLICKING HERE---
patreon See and vote on more pinups over on --MY PATREON-- !
BlockedShe has my full attention.
Memberlove that little bit of belly chub, so cute.
MemberThrusters engaged.
MemberActivating G-diffusers.
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