rainbow dash and wonderbolts (friendship is magic and etc) created by lemony hooves
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  • Attention Enemy Fighter Squad: Descend slow to 1,000 knots and descend to 2,000 feet. Comply or you will be fired upon. First to disable second to kill.

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  • i'd rather be in an su 47 and her as my wingman/wingpony for she is badass someguy drew her shooting fucking japanese zeros with 2 colt 45s

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  • sticky said:
    i'd rather be in an su 47 and her as my wingman/wingpony for she is badass someguy drew her shooting fucking japanese zeros with 2 colt 45s

    that image, where is it?

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  • Warwolf 1: "Command, this is Wolf 1, I have eyes on an unidentified squad of three F-22 RAPTORS. The one in front lookes different from the other two, I think it's the leader."

    Command: "Copy that, contacting unknowns now... This is the U.S Southern Command to unidentified aircraft on bearing 510. Be advised you will be targeted as hostile if you do not state your being here. I repeat, you will be considered hostile, state your intention now or you will be shot down."

    Warwolf 2: "It doesn't look like there listening, showld we engage?"

    Command: All planes within current proximity, you are cleared to engage. Procede with caution."

    Warwolf 2: "I have a lock, FOX 2, FOX 2!"

    Unidentified aircraft leader: (Female voice) "WAIT! Don't shoot, please!"

    Command: "All planes hold fire, HOLD FIRE! The leader is trying to talk to us, switch to chanel 6."

    Warwolf 1: "Copy that--Unidentified aircraft, do you copy?"

    Warwolf 2: "Hellloooo?"

    Unidentified Aircraft Leader: "Y-yes, I'm here, but we need help. Our GPS's got disabled and we're almost out of fuel!"

    Warwolf 2: Can we free up a spot at the base? It sounds like she needs it!"

    Command: "Afermative, theycan land on runways 119, 118, and 117. Warwolf 1, guide them to base."

    Warwolf 1: "Roger that, you three, follow my lead. Say, I never got your names... what are they?"

    Unidentified Aircraft Leader: "Well, on my left is Whiplash, and on my right is Spitfire. And I'm Rainbow Dash."

    Warwolf 2: "Well THAT explains the cabin color..."

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