keith keiser, natani, raine silverlock, and zen (twokinds) created by tom fischbach

It's high time we got movin'!

Sketch of 1012th page of TwoKinds.


Natani: (in Keidran) Seriously, Zen. How are you feeling?

Zen: (in Keidran) I’m fine… What about you? Look at your hair. There’s a… chunk missing. When did that happen? Looks funny.

Natani: (in Keidran) Zen? You seem a bit…off. I had to block out the link earlier, hang on…

Raine: (in Keidran) W-wait! I don’t know how your mind thing works, but I don’t think you should do that!

Natani: (in Keidran) Relax, I know! Lots of pain. I can avoid tha–

Natani: Eh? Woah…

Natani: (in Keidran) Why is everything suddenly… floating… Uuurgh~ah!


Keith: Natani!

Keith: (in Keidran) Stop collapsing constantly! You’re going to give me a heart attack!

Natani: Eugh!

Natani: (in Keidran) I didn’t mean to. Yeesh! What was that?!

Raine: (in Keidran) Sorry, sorry! I tried to warn you. I didn’t know what else to do for his pain, so… I just gave him all the herbs I could.

Raine: It… was a lot.

Raine: (in Keidran) Honestly, I’m surprised he managed to be lucid afte


Raine: (in Keidran) Oh. There he goes. Again.

Natani: (in Keidran) Well, let’s get him moved.

Raine: (in Keidran) Ah, ok. Carefully. I’m Raine, by the way. I do hope that dragon is safer on the next landing, for Zen’s sake.

Natani: (in Keidran) No, no, no dragon. We’re taking a more direct way back. I hope.

Raine: Oh?

Page transcript provided by iliar

  • Comments
  • So far Zen has almost been killed twice, and both times caused by the side we support. (I know the second time was Carver's doing but team B did put the shackle on Zen.)

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  • EdgeTheWolf said:
    So far Zen has almost been killed twice, and both times caused by the side we support. (I know the second time was Carver's doing but team B did put the shackle on Zen.)

    Are you forgetting that Team B met Zen when he was attempting to assassinate them?

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  • TendoTwo said:
    Are you forgetting that Team B met Zen when he was attempting to assassinate them?

    I know why they did it without even looking at the comic. Because Zen is as Incompetent as Natani and got himself caught and then shackled because he fell into Red and Sythe's trap. He was then forced to create the antidote for the sleeping poison he hit Maren and Karen with, even though they'd most likely have woken up on their own. Mrs. Nibbly gnawed the rope holding Zen, thus freeing him and here we are with a shackled Zen and a knocked out Natani.

    So no, I didn't forget.

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  • EdgeTheWolf said:
    I know why they did it without even looking at the comic. Because Zen is as Incompetent as Natani and got himself caught and then shackled because he fell into Red and Sythe's trap. He was then forced to create the antidote for the sleeping poison he hit Maren and Karen with, even though they'd most likely have woken up on their own. Mrs. Nibbly gnawed the rope holding Zen, thus freeing him and here we are with a shackled Zen and a knocked out Natani.

    So no, I didn't forget.

    You did forget that the sleeping poison antidote was a lie. And that part of that lie was that without the antidote they would never wake up.
    You also might have forgotten that the two of them being incompetent is intended because they lucked into their first kill and enormous prestige while actually being incredibly bad at being assassins.
    And Zen isn't shackled at the moment. And Natani isn't knocked out.
    Also, what twisted form of logic are you using to blame Team B for Zen *choosing* to try and get through the barrier and save the protags? Also also, even if you are counting that as an attempt on his life (somehow), that would be the *fourth*, with Carver's being the third, so just about every part of your statement is wrong even if I did follow your logic on that part.

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