my little pony and etc created by unknown artist
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  • just from the words, his expression and his shirt, i could not help but upload this

    but with all do respect: I insult everypony except G4 ponies >:|

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  • Trapper said:

    Thank you Fox News for that interesting article.

    and i hope you can respect that Equestria Daily gets more views in one day than you get in a year.

    Love and Tolerance....

    That's the first time Fox News seemed to somewhat tolerate something. Which can't be said to this:
    That's something to be pissed at. Did they really have to bring their homophobic beliefs into that discussion? I mean, even the dude in the Fox thing disapproved, but he said that bronies have the right to like MLP. I'm just stunned...

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  • Icedrake201 said:
    That's the first time Fox News seemed to somewhat tolerate something. Which can't be said to this:
    That's something to be pissed at. Did they really have to bring their homophobic beliefs into that discussion? I mean, even the dude in the Fox thing disapproved, but he said that bronies have the right to like MLP. I'm just stunned...

    Ok I'm not an extremist bronie, but check this out. I know a perfect way to handle this. Think about this for a sec. Obiviously, we are getting trolled ;)

    Just because a few national news casts talk about "bronies" and my little pony doesn't make them any bettter than anyone else.

    I you guys catch rage, guess what... you been trolled, the only way to deal with this an not tolerate with negativity.

    Let me say this I have fucked about 5 women in my lifetime, and it was by escort (go to back page and check out escorts, I ain't lying). I in no way shape or form worry about my masculinity because I associated jokes with ponies.

    Listen, if of anything, they are making everyone else tolerant the trend. Once they watch the show to see what the fuss is about, it's over...
    Shit will be like "the ring".

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  • You dun goofed, "BRO"

    Gingerbread_Man said:
    Listen, if of anything, they are making everyone else tolerant the trend. Once they watch the show to see what the fuss is about, it's over...
    Shit will be like "the ring".

    Too true man, too true.

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  • I watched MLP the first episode I dont see why its attracting this huge male population. however, more power to them xD. If any furry says anything other than that, how do they expect people to be tolerant of their furry-ness? xD people are so ridiculous.

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  • riffin13 said: There is only one way to deal with this hate. Love and tolerate the shit out of it.

    We have to throw a huuuuuuuge party to overcome that hate

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  • Frozen_Today said:
    I love how nobody points out the massive errection

    That's not an erection, dude's just got a huge package.

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  • Frozen_Today said:
    I love how nobody points out the massive errection

    ....You call THAT a massive erection?

    That says a LOT about how tiny your dick is.

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  • Gingerbread_Man said:

    I agree. When I get trolled I think of it like this, "I will shit on your grave you piece of..." I mean, I'm not going to respond and you will be forgotten in your grave.

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  • Smoochy_Pooch said:
    I agree. When I get trolled I think of it like this, "I will shit on your grave you piece of..." I mean, I'm not going to respond and you will be forgotten in your grave.

    I believe that this is more apt to say...

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  • I understand. I don't like mlp. but I tolerate it. If we can't tolerate bronies, how can we expect people to tolerate us furries? I often like to joke around or poke fun and get a reaction, but not to bully or troll. in the end, I've learned to tolerate people who are different. Peace.

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  • Yes, I am totally okay with G1 ponies (call me bad taste...I don't really watch the show though since it was bad timeslot)

    Oh yeah, would like to point out the rather obvious pony on his shirt. Yeah, that's old school!

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  • I dont see what the big deal is here. I mean can't bronies just let furries enjoy being furries only and cant furries just let bronies enjoy being bronies only? And hey more power to the person if they are both and can see things from both sides of view maturely and respectfully.

    There is nothing wrong with being either or even both.
    The real issue is when each side says "Hahaha! *finger points* I am better than you, you stupid brony!" or "Don't hate just join the brony side we have magical friendship... OR ELSE we will attack and get all uppity on you!! >:( "

    Seriously wtf? The furries are just as much involved in a "fandom" as the bronies are and vice versa so what does it matter? Just stop shoving it in each other's faces on both sides and LET IT GO. Be who you are and not what others expect, want, or try to force you to be. Live and let live people. It's all gravy! ;3

    This planet is plenty big enough for all of us no need to convert by force or ridicule each other over this.

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  • Ohnine said:
    just from the words, his expression and his shirt, i could not help but upload this

    but with all do respect: I insult everypony except G4 ponies >:|

    94.2% of all My little pony fans HATE G3 or lower, G4 is what made it popular.

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  • AnonyMoose69 said:
    I dont see what the big deal is here. I mean can't bronies just let furries enjoy being furries only and cant furries just let bronies enjoy being bronies only? And hey more power to the person if they are both and can see things from both sides of view maturely and respectfully.

    There is nothing wrong with being either or even both.
    The real issue is when each side says "Hahaha! *finger points* I am better than you, you stupid brony!" or "Don't hate just join the brony side we have magical friendship... OR ELSE we will attack and get all uppity on you!! >:( "

    Seriously wtf? The furries are just as much involved in a "fandom" as the bronies are and vice versa so what does it matter? Just stop shoving it in each other's faces on both sides and LET IT GO. Be who you are and not what others expect, want, or try to force you to be. Live and let live people. It's all gravy! ;3

    This planet is plenty big enough for all of us no need to convert by force or ridicule each other over this.

    I get the feeling you're missing the point.

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  • slops said:
    Because not all of us look at the crotch of every man we meet.

    but what of those of us that just so happen to spy that very epic belt buckle?

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