created by ruaidri

Wet Burd

I -really- couldn't think of a title for this one. I blame the fact that it's now 4:30 am. I just really wanted to get it done. xD

This is what happens when I have no idea what to draw. Funny story, originally when I started drawing today, I wanted to draw a hypno scene involving dragons. How the hell did I end up with a weird feline avian hybrid creature sitting suggestively in a lake? Hell if I know. But we're here now, so we might as well make the best of it. xD

So yeah... colouring on the lady is pretty messed up. My middling colour actually entirely disappeared somehow- too similar to the under colour I suppose. As a result the colouring all looks entirely odd. It's something I'm still working on, so forgive me. Background is just... I dunno, I had no refs, no plans, I just sorta sat down and painted. It's nothing special, but it fits the bill I guess.

Anyway, lemme know your thoughts I guess. x3

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