nintendo and etc created by mleonheart
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  • Salazzle the dominatrix pokemon

    Salazzle are a purely female pokemon whom dominate male salandit only taking interest in the most submissive and rarely the very strong whom can best her in battle, this male she shall choose as her breeder.

    Salazzle also takes interest in the rare female salandit should one find it self in her territory often times forcing docility and subjugation, those who resist her have been seen getting violated by the larger females tail and pestered by the males in the area.

    Domesticated Salazzle have been known to demonstrate submissive behavior to there trainers though this is also an abnormality that would have to intergrated from the time of it being an egg, otherwise many trainers are generally inthralled by her and often used to sate her base instincts.

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