scp-1471-a (scp foundation) created by keadanger
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  • Comments
  • Does a reaction image tag apply here?
    I think of spiderman jacking when I see this so does meme also apply?

    ....actually isn't that SCP supposed to be a meme to begin with?

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  • Lairy said:
    Dans l'image, je pense que c'est supposé femelle. Hopefully my French isn't too rusty

    Beaucoup d'images montrent scp-1471 comme une femelle , et elle est taguée "femelle" ici aussi ^_^

    Sinon , ton français va bien *thumb up*

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  • RHEI-RAT said:
    Beaucoup d'images montrent scp-1471 comme une femelle , et elle est taguée "femelle" ici aussi ^_^

    Sinon , ton français va bien *thumb up*


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  • Llollt said:
    Sort of. Different kind of meme, though.

    well yes a memetic creature that implants itself into your mind to the point of seeing it in the real world but also a meme in the sense of an image macro and spiderman thread jacking.

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